Friday, November 5, 2010

Today's activity

At playgroup we have this ritual of swinging every kid at the end of playtime. We take a blanket, one child at a time sits on it and two adults take the ends and swing and sing. So Lenara came up to me today with a blanket "swing, swing...". Hmmmm, I tried to explain that I can't do this on my own. She kept demanding "swing, swing...". I felt so sorry for her.

But then.... Mommy had the greatest idea in a long time: we took out the "old" (only a year ago still so much in use) baby sling, I wrapped it around one of those (until today rather decorative but useless) beams in the living room. And there we had our swing set! She loves it, we have to do it all day long... highly recommended!

1 comment:

  1. I love the fort! Can I come over and sit in the fort with Lenara? love Nana
