So, David is out of the state and is in Wisconsin on business and will be until Saturday. I'm finding that I am thinking of ways to fill my time. Olivia keeps my hands busy during the day. At night though, I like to hang with David usually. I usually like it and I usually hang out with him : ). So, I've made a list of things I want to do while he's gone. They involve sewing and decorating, organizing, and cleaning. I love lists! If I accomplish half of these things I'll be feeling pretty productive.
1. Decorate our room & Olivia's room (end co-sleeping)
- I have everything for Olivia's room, I just need to put it together.
2. Put alphabet up in playroom (you'll see)
3. Finish owl quilt & maybe make some stuffed owl soft pillows
4. Host a playgroup on Thursday
5. Maybe start homemade Christmas gifts
6. Stop staring at these lovely things:

cute things you posted. You know what I was thinking - maybe we should make matching outfits for Olivia and Lenara. It would be funny to see them together in our Blog - totally growing up together across the Miles! ;)