Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Everybody could benefit from a good walk...

Taking the Christchild for a stroll.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Moments Add Up

One of the benefits of living on the west coast is that we get to see my family more. Perhaps they're over excited but they came for 3 weeks of the first month of our stay. One moment I'd like to remember is when we went on a horse drawn carriage ride and mom initiated singing Christmas songs. She cried afterward and said she had wanted to sing on a carriage ride for a long time.
We chose to go to FairHaven even though it was a stretch with nap approaching--which we really never compromise naps. Olivia was so excited about the horses. I had a moment where I thought that we must seek the experiences that make our hearts glow. My mom was glowing after the singing and ride--like her spirit and body reconnected again. Seeking more moments like those & being grateful for those experienced lately.
Watching my daughter interact and play with my parents is one of those sacred moments for me.
It's a new delight that we're all reveling in.

Loved this...I'm waving to Olivia and she says in a bossy way " Come get in, Mommy!"

Waking up and seeing these two looking outside:


Sunday, December 25, 2011


Listen to this: Lenara (my TWO-year-old) and I were sitting at the dinner table just recently.

Lenara: Mommy....
Mommy: What is it, honey?
Lenara: Mommy, I think, you have a weight problem.
Mommy: What????!???

So 4 people within 3 weeks either asked, if I'm pregnant or I'd be having weight problems. Something's going real wrong here... (and honestly, I think that's why Lenara mentioned it, bc she had heard me angrily quote the earlier stories.). My...

Friday, December 16, 2011

And some I really REALLY want (books)

Olles Reise zu König Winter von Elsa Beskow und Diethild Plattner (I just ordered this one for Xmas)
Pelles neue Kleider von Elsa Beskow
Die Wichtelkinder von Elsa Beskow
Etwas von den Wurzelkindern von Sibylle von Olfers
Christof und die Tiere von Christiane Lesch

Our absolute Favorites (books)

Meine ersten Geschichten von Anne Steinwart und Dagmar Geisler von Oetinger

Das große Gähnen: Eine Zoo- und Gutenacht-Geschichte von Monika Spang und Sonja Bougaeva von Atlantis, Orell Füssli

Die Krickelkrakels. Das bewegte Buch von Die Krickelkrakels von Oetinger

Henriette Bimmelbahn von James Krüss und Lisl Stich

Klumpedump und Schnickelschnack von Bettina Stietencron und Hedwig Diestel

Bobo reist aufs Land
von Hakon Mielche

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The little star (continued)

Both Lenara and I really enjoy our new little tradition. She wants to read the book about the little star about every night. We light up the room only with candles and I read it to her. A magical atmosphere. Last night Lenara surprised me. After I had read the book one time, she asked to look through it again. She recited every (EVERY!) line of the book - correctly. And it's not an easy language - but rhymes. Children remember rhymes so quickly. Amazing!!! It was so fascinating to watch her. And she was proud of herself indeed.

This is what our scene looks like right now:

1st Sunday in Advent = Scenery
2nd Sunday in Advent = Stars, Sheep & Cock
3rd Sunday in Advent = Ox & Donkey

to come:

4th Sunday in Advent = Flower (Christmas Rose)
Christmas Eve = Baby Jesus with Maria & Joseph