Friday, November 12, 2010

Children's kitchen supplies

For Lenara's advent calendar I'm planning to make fruit, vegetable, cheese, sausages and bread (maybe something more lets see how that goes) from felt. So every day until christmas day she gets something and for christmas I'm hoping to have her little stove ready that I started a while ago (in spring!). So while I'm doing onine research for ideas and patterns, I thought, I might as well post it:

On this site Nadelkissten a lot of links to free patterns can be found - including roll-up stove, cardboard-stove, eatables and a chef's hat. It's a German sit, but the links are international.

A nice chef's hat (tutorial)

I love this site with lots of different children's kitchen ideas (crochette, felt) and other creative projects.

I just realized, it's too time consuming to post pictures now. I might do later...


  1. Super adorable idea. I'm pretty excited to see the stove. What's the link to the roll-up stove & hat... I can't read German.

  2. Here's the stove (EN site):

    And this is the hat (also EN):
