Saturday, November 20, 2010

German Routine (aka our routine)

Hmmm, we have a routine. But sometimes I wonder, do we really? On some days I wish we had more of a routine as I miss spending time with Lenara. Doesn't that sound funny, as I practically spent 24/7 with her? Let me explain...

On days we are home, our routine looks pretty much like this:

7:30 - no alarm clock (yeah!), Lenara just wakes up and then wakes me up (this varies, sometimes, she just gets up and wanders around the apt while I keep waking up and falling back to sleep and while doing this, I'm trying to keep an eye/ear on her; or she just starts slapping me "Mommy, Lala awake"; or she just starts talking and talking and talking, or she gets up and turns on the bright lights - she reaches to the switches now, great!).

8:00 - finally getting myself out of bed. I'm not a morning person, Lenara is. But unlike you guys, I'm assuming those must be her Dad's genes. Bathroom time: dressing ourselves, changing diapers (her's, not mine!) - very important as it is horrible, if the morning poo goes into the soaking-wet-night-diaper, I've learnt from past mistakes!! But I still have to remind myself every morning. Then breakfast. Lenara helps setting the table (she gets stuff out of the fridge, gets her plate) and usually eats a banana at the table, while I finish making breakfast (making coffee just takes way too long!). We have bread with cheese and ham (ok, ok, she has that, I eat jelly only! Got me.), fruit and a glas of milk (I let her use real little glasses for the main meals, which makes her really proud, and I'm surprised she's doing so well in using them - IKEA btw).

9:00 - I clear the table and have some kitchen clean up time, while Lenara knows it's her time to play on her own. She usually organizes her toys, dolls, looks at books - or in other words, starts setting the apt in complete chaos.

9:30 - brushing teeth together.

And the next time frame, I have no idea what we do, but time passes really quickly. We play together with her toys or I suggest some activity (like crayons). Or we sing and I take out my guitar every once in while (only to get frustrated that I can't remember anything). Most days Lenara has some wishes what to do (like recently playing with our sling swing). I also try to get one house shore done in the morning (like putting laundry in the washing machine, or vacuum cleaning).

Then at some point, I realize, I should think about what to make for lunch. OMG, it's so late already!? My fridge is empty, ah! We need to go to the grocery store. Good thing the grocery store is right next to our house. ;) This doesn't happen every day, but on many days as I'm still really bad at planning our lunches ahead of time.

11:30 - start cooking, although it's practically nap time already (Lenara getting annoying). I let her push her highchair (triptrap) to the kitchen counter on which she can stand and also work on the counter. I try to give her something to do. Even if it's something that doesn't really need to be done (like washing raisins for the 3rd time, or clean some plastic cups) and we both love to snack on whatever we cook (I'm positive that's the reason why she doesn't eat a lot). She loves to snack on frozen vegetables! ;) While in the beginning I was nervous with her around the kitchen equipment, I got pretty good at automatically putting the knives where she (hopefully) can't reach. And I taught her to keep her fingers out of the cutting area and of course that the oven and stove are big no-nos and hot. It works very well and we both enjoy making lunch. In the past I made her play on her own while I made lunch. But I felt bad for neglecting her and the second time playing on her own usually didn't work that well. So I'm happy with our new solution - plus, I think it's perfect that she watches me and learns about food and cooking from the very beginning (the truth is, I hate cooking, and I can't wait for her to make lunch for me!) - nice side effect.

12:30 - bottle of milk and nap time. I lay down with her. Usually I try to get up after half an hour, so I can "use" my free time. But usually naptime is shorter, if I leave our bed. So if I feel like she needs to get some sleep, I just sleep, too, for 1.5-2 hrs. That's my treat!

15:00 - we are up again. Now we either get ready for a walk, or playground, or a playdate. I prefer to just go for a walk without any purpose (in the fields, woods and explore). But many times, I go into town where I need to get something. I also try to avoid getting into the car (as this eats up time and money), which isn't really avoidable leaving in such a rural area. My goal is to use the bike and our trailer more often (mostly to safe gas money).

17:00 - snack time, apples, pretzels, bananas, something like that. We love to snack outside.

18:00 - returning home. Some more playing with toys and me getting stuff done, I didn't get done throughout the day.

19:00 - we pick up all the toys together. I like to have the apt picked up when I return to the living room after getting Lenara to bed, so my free time starts right then. Then she eats dinner. I offer cereal with raisins - to keep it simple. I vary with cereal though. Then another bottle of milk on the couch with only candle light (or dimmend light). Brushing teeth together. Pajamas on. Going to bed. Reading a story. Lights off. Singing our lullaby. Me waiting for her to fall asleep, so I can get up again. Usually by 20:30 (8:30).

Free time! Yeah. Sometimes interrupted several times by Lenara waking up and demanding me to lay next to her again (and again) and sneaking out again (and again). That's quite annoying. But we have more nights with her not waking up before I go to bed than others by now. It's changing right now. And it makes such a huge (!) difference, if I have those 2 hours really to myself in the evening.

22:30 (10:30) - Mommy's bed time. I'm pretty strict with myself. Oh yes. (My natural need for sleep is 10 hrs!!)

Ok, that's it. But we're only home on Mondays, Saturdays and Sundays. On Tuesdays and Wednesdays we have to get up at 6:30 to get to the Day Nanny by 8. Those mornings are one rush and I'm trying to arrange it more peaceful and pleasant. Usually we oversleep at least one of those 2 days. I pick her up by 11:30. Then make lunch. On Thursday afternoons we join a group of single parent families. Which means getting into the car quickly after our nap. We come back by 7. On Fridays we attend Mini-Club (playgroup), which means getting up at 7 and getting into the car to be there by 9. Getting back home by 12. At the moment I sometimes think it's too much going on. And especially too many groups for L to adjust (Nanny, single parent meeting, Mini-Club). Plus the Daddy weekends when she's practically gone for 3 days in a row and needs to adjust to the other family (except nights) and grandparents afternoons, where Lenara is totally busy playing with them, even if I'm around too. That's why I feel like I don't get to spend enough relaxed quality time with her (without me having to think about other stuff to get done)... weird to say as a stay-at-home-mom, I know. But also exactly the reason for me staying at home for another while.

1 comment:

  1. Big thanks for sharing your routine. I am trying to find more "rhythm" in our days and I am also feeling rushed and busy and that I am not listening to cues as much as I am the clock and schedule sometimes. Your day, especially the lunch prep, sounds sweet.
