Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our new neighbor(s)

Since we changed the time to summer time last week, it's really light out, when we go to bed. So I decided to reinstall our window cover - some "thing" I sew last summer consisting of several layers of newspaper covered with a fabrique that matches our bedroom and which is attached to our window frame with velcro. While redoing the velcro tape on the frame, I spotted a dove in the rain drain (or whatever it's called). She is having a nest there with eggs (or at least one I saw). We hate those doves on our roof top - or basically always around the windows of our apartment under the roof. Dove poop everywhere. And I'm always scarred one day, I'll find one in my living room, bc I left the window open. Anyway... she was a big attraction to L. I had to put her up in the window spot several times and she almost wouldn't go to bed. I'm hoping we'll see the little birdies also. It would be a fun wild-life-real-life-outdoor-right-outside-of-our-window-project. We hate those doves in general. But we kinda welcome our new neighbor (gotta name her).


Getting ready for Easter

We loved being creative today. L was so into it and she did so well. We covered plastic eggs from the 1 € Store with wrapping paper and newspaper (using glue paste).

Improving my cooking skills

For the very first time in my life, I made pork. Turned out great! I made this with one of my new tupperware items: Ultra. I used two pots on top of each other to make the potatoes and the pork at the same time. Very convenient.

And by the way, that was a big pot for myself. L didn't not eat it. :(

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spring Window

Tupperware Crazyness or Ebay trapped

Dear readers, one month ago I was making fun of tupperware parties and their products. Two tupperware parties and one smart idea later, I have to admit I got tupperware crazy.

And for the very first time I'm broke by the end of the month - for real.

The tupperware lady was a really smart one. In the beginning I thought - who needs all that stuff??? By the end of the party I was convinced, that some items might also help me organize my kitchen better, i.e. the bread box, bc my bread always goes bad. But still, most of the things I don't need and they're way too expensive for my needs.

Brilliant idea came to my mind: As a smart ebay shopper, why not buy used tupperware - especially since the products are known for their lifetime warranty and quality?!

For the past 2 weeks I got really good at this. Some really awesome deals.
Bad part: I kept looking for more and more stuff... today, being clear in my mind, I'm not so sure, if I really only purchased the very very useful things.

But hey, I can still resell, and probably earn some money. I'll keep you updated, about which items I'd really recommend. And I'm glad my bank account somewhat put a limit to my ebay addiction.

All is good.

Kindergarten - Work - Schedule - Struggling

Wow, we tried to get up early today. Because eventually L will have to go from 7:45 am to 1:30 pm. So far we had extended our time from 8:45 to 1:30. Since we have only 3 more days before I start my new job, today we had to force ourselves to shoot for 7:45. I tried to wake up Lenara at 6:30. No reaction. I took her - half asleep - to the couch and used the inhaling machine on her (bad coughing going on). The medicine is supposed to make kids hyper, so I was hoping for her to wake up. We managed to be at the kindergarten trailer by 8. So almost on time! ;)

The problem is, our entire schedule is out of order right now. We get up earlier than before. We eat lunch 2 hours later than before (noon - 2pm). Sometimes we skip our quiet time after lunch - which we were so used to and I still think we need a break and relaxing/hypnosis time. Our afternoon activities still take the same amount of time (even though I'm trying to do less) - so we go to bed even later than before (8:30 instead of 7:30).

So here is my new plan (where there's a goal, there's a way!):

6:15 getting up (includes an extra 15 mins for inhaling)
7:25 leaving the house
7:50 leaving kindergarten
8:00 starting work
1:00 leaving work - starting cooking
1:25 leaving for kindergarten
1:50 back home - finishing lunch
2:00 lunch time
2:20 cleaning kitchen
2:30 break time
3:15 starting afternoon activity - running errands
5:30 be back home
6:00 picking up toys - preparing dinner
6:15 dinner time
6:35 cleaning kitchen
6:45 bathroom time - brushing teeth
7:00 story time
7:15 sleeping time
7:30 Mommy time!!!
10:00 bed time for Mommy

Wow! Why am I scared now??! But I guess we really need some new schedule to get organized...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Just call me the Godess of Push-Buttons and Flip Flop Straps!

I am so excited about this cute matching gift box! Only my undidentical twin would understand, I'm not crazy. ;)

Special Moment: Daddy said...

(...when leaving after Daddy weekend)
Daddy: "Good bye, baby, I love you."
L goes: "Yeah, that's what Mommy keeps saying."

Finally... flipflop strap!!

Shhhh, this is a surprise for L's Easter basket. A while ago we browsed ebay together and came across these cute Hello Kitty Flip Flops. L wanted them badly. She has no idea I got them for her - and today I made a strap, with the push button that was driving me crazy earlier. But now I learnt how to do it. When you put the right pieces together it's really not that hard. My ego feels more peaceful with myself now. ;)
I really wonder though, if she can walk properly in those and if the strap fits. Let's see...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Some recent Pins

(I'll include the reasons I've posted some of the recent pins)

Something like this is going to go in Ia's Easter basket. She's very much into teeny tiny things.

Loving this...especially the hoop and needle for handwork. And it might be something she would find interest in while I sew.

Cute idea for Spring and maybe a spring birthday : )

Cute idea although the felting I've tried went terribly awry and smelled awful (did I just get bad wool?)

I love this to-go dollhouse. It inspired me with my own ideas.

Again, something I know my daughter would love.

Its beauty and practicality in my style...all the vases and canisters, too. It seems like it would fit everything quite nicely.

I'm thinking of using all my fabric before I buy more and this is something I could make that is useful and cute.

And this just seemed like a fun party idea.

Our new Bike!!!

I made the kid's seat cover! So proud of myself. If you'd look closely you'd notice the non-professional work. But hey, from far it looks just perfect to me. ;))

Hey... while I was looking for a picture of the old cover (I forgot to take a before and after pic), I found more covers. Seems like I'm not the first with this idea... (surprise, surprise!) - those I found on Dawanda:

Leather Pants

In Kindergarten I asked around for some used Leather Pants. The kids wear those outdoors. They are water resistant and comfortable. My parents gave us a gift certificate to order one, but first I wanted to see, if Lenara is going to wear them at all. So yesterday we found some pants rolled up in Lenara's backpack. I have no clue yet, who gave them to us. But isn't it so nice, that someone thought of us?! And such a cute girly design! I love it. So far we both love Kindergarten. It's such a nice atmosphere among the kids and parents. We're just grateful!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nice Scarfs to play with or decorate

I recommend this ebay-shop:
I just bought 9 colored (Waldorf) scarves to either decorate the season's table or for L. to build caves, houses, rooms, wrap her babies... whatever. This lady has them in all colors and for a really good price. I had been looking around for a while, but all I found from "real" Waldorf suppliers (catalogues etc.) were quite expensive, I thought. So I'm happy I found these... I can't post pictures yet, because the set of rainbow scarves is going to be my birthday gift for L. ;)

Jen's Artisan Bread recommendation


Hello Baby Juna

matching card...

Friday, March 9, 2012

Natural exhibition

I spotted this one on someone's yard a while a ago. And yesterday I bought a second hand frame for 2 € somewhat like this one... Simple but beautiful!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Gone Fishin'

...something for O to play with on rainy days. It rains all the time here. It's made from a simple magnet and some washers all from the hardware store. The fish are from scraps of fabric with button eyes. I started to get lofty about the pretty and elaborate fish I wanted to make but I decided to just make the fish so the playing could begin.

In exchange for my homemade bread, a lady taught me how to make our own yogurt. It's really easy, basically heat it and then cool it, then let it sit. Its so much better than all the sweetened yogurts here. And, Olivia liked it! It even worked with the lactose-free milk.

Other than these things, I'm trying to 'get out of the way' more and let Olivia play but be the warm presence at the same time. There's been rain, snow, and intermittent flower planting. Olivia picked the colors of the primroses (which are frost durable) then she helped dig and cover along side.

It's funny really because we've done more mommy-daughter things but I've made it a point to not have the phone/camera with me. I feel like I want to not rush the product but focus on the process more...which leaves only product pictures though.

Thinking about a hair cut...but we love the bed head.