Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving is tomorrow.

Here in America, it's Thanksgiving time. It started with a dinner with some pilgrims and Indians and now it is a combination of a traditional feast with Turkey and stuffing and giving gratitude. That, and lots of over eating.
We are going to my cousins' house, who aren't really my cousins at all. They are my cousins ex-husband's cousins (follow that?). I knew them before my cousin was even married though. I went to their house about every month for years and I love them both. We would have endless nights talking like it was a slumber party, every time. I haven't seen them since we got married so I am super excited to spend time with them. I feel like they are family though. They have two kids (age 3 &5).
Today we are getting our car fixed so we are safe on the drive, so we walked to the library. It was a brisk walk, but I loved walking. It's something that we should do more often. Note to self: prepare for the imminent cold weather.
We set out our clothes for the trip and some are in the washer getting clean. We will pack in the morning and head out when it's Olivia's nap time. Just like all the other crazies who plan to travel the day before Thanksgiving. We will be gone for a few days. I am going to bring some felt cookies to sew that I started when we were in Kyrgyzstan.


  1. How was everything? How are the felt cookies? How's eating? Any snow yet? Doll month is over. No dolls yet. Now let the holiday season begin!

  2. I was just thinking a funny thought: If Thanksgiving hasn't changed Olive's eating habits, nothing will... ;))) Everyone keeps telling me about overeating... and sooo much good food.
