Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Book Review by K & J

We are two ladies with akin interest in having the best experiences in life possible. Which includes, the best experiences in the birth process. We've started on a journey together of reading "Spiritual Midwifery" by Ina May Gaskin.

Here is where we'll share our thoughts about the read. ; )

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Saturday, February 2, 2013

Welcome Giuliana!

Gifts for a whole Gang

For Christmas I made Lenara and her friends T-shirts with their Capital Letters. The funny part was the one for the unborn baby of my friend (born by now btw)... Easy and adorable!

Xmas 2012 Creative Summary

Our very first Christmas Tree!

Getting ready for Fasching: Räuber Hotzenplotz

Lenara is hearing all about Räuber Hotzenplotz in Kindergarten. So she decided she wanted to dress up as Räuber Hotzenplotz for Fasching (Feb 11th). Thanks to Google I know what he looks like... The challenge is that it needs to go OVER her outdoor Kindergarten outfit, as they are outside for the dress up party as well. Today we took some time to make the outfit... tatataaaaah!
I have to admit, I'm a little bit proud of the hat! It's a knitted hat from the dollar store, stuffed on top of a regular Cowboy Fasching hat... and I made the feather from felt. We will paint her face for Fasching. And she insists on 7 knives and a colt. I told her, if she wanted that, she needed to make those herself... she knows how to carve wood. So she can do it in Kindergarten next week. Gee, all the princess outfits are staying in the basement this year... :))

Waldorf Table: Winter

Finished today... finally. Our winter scene! The table had been empty ever since Baby Jesus disappeared after Christmas. The current scene is after Elsa Beskow's "Olle's Reise zu König Winter". We love it! Even though spring time will be here soon already...

Die Maus

Lenara's favorite... it's just her humor... the only "TV" (she doesn't know the difference to Youtube yet) we are watching so far... :)