Today's news: Underwear & Pants
Made the underwear out of one of Lenara's old shirts. Tricky, because everything is so small. Next I made a pattern for the pants. I've seen similar ones online (farbenmix.de), but I didn't want to spend money for a pattern. So I just tried to make it look like that one:
Still haven't finished parts of the pants (hand stitching the bottoms of the pants and buttons) and the hair. Planning on chrochetting some socks and maybe a sweater coat until christmas. Let's see, how much time I'll have left. There are more Christmas Gifts and everyday shores to take care of. ;)
I'm glad I planned all weekend to work on the doll. It really takes up that much time and I'm happy to be free to do this and focus on this project instead of working bits by bits over weeks... I like to see progress. And I like to be sure it's finished until Christmas - as this is the most special gift for my most special daughter.
And I'm already feeling guilty that I'm spending so much time with Lenara's new best friend without telling her. I'm not sure how I'll manage to keep this special gift a secret sooooo many more days and weeks until Christmas. ;))
The outfit is so precious! Fantastic job!!!