Thursday, December 16, 2010

Blue Christmas Time

As much as I love the Advent and Christmas time, as much it's hitting me again that I'm alone and I'm feeling this deep sadness about the family I had once pictured, but which never happened... I hope there will be a time when Christmas time is just a peaceful loving holiday in my heart again.


  1. I hope you have your family that you want. I know you love Lenara so much but feel someone missing from your life. I'm glad you are not waiting to be happy until he enters your life. Christmas...aaah, it's such a weird time of year, in my opinion.

  2. I have part of my perfect little family together. Very grateful and happy about that. Couldn't be more perfect in fact. But you're right, someone is missing. And I have no idea yet who will fill that gap one day. It's just so hard to understand as in the past I never imagined that there could ever be a gap like that and all my thinking about the future always used to have one face in that spot that turned out to be the wrong face in the picture... but I know things will change and one day I'll feel whole again. ;)
