Today's resumee:
I can't believe I was worried about the face before I started this "project". That was so easy and fun. Getting the body together (especially the arms in) was the really tricky part today - including undoing seams twice. I made my own pattern (based on pictures online), but I guess my body shape could have been better. I did find some nice feet though (doingwithout blog - also including a cute newborn doll tutorial & pattern). As I didn't use the original pattern, my feet look a little different, but I still like the toes a lot. And my favorite is the belly button!!! I wanted to make sure the doll can sit, bc none of Lenara's dolls are able to sit, which makes her mad sometimes as she likes her dolls to sit next to her. In order for a doll to sit, she needs a butt - yes, I did my homework! ;) So I tried out several butt versions to find one which works. And I recently saw a doll with a cute belly, so I tried to squeeze that in too. I've seen dolls with better neck lines, but I'm quiet satisfied with the way mine turned out (hey, this is my first master piece after all). One leg is twisted inwards a little bit - don't know why. And now I'm working on the wig. I made a parting (using sewing machine for hairpiece) on the side. But now I still got to figure out how to add hair underneath, without making the head look poofy - I also realized I'm running out of wool for the hair. So putting hair strings all over the head def is not the solution to go with.
I'm not sure about the name yet. "Lizzy" popped up. Don't know why. But I liked it immediately as I'm using Lenara's great-grandma Elizabeth's (called Else, Lizzy) sewing machine for making the doll, which I kind of inherited from her (she passed away a year ago). But I'm not sure, if Lenara is able to pronounce it. I was surprised she really named one of her other new puppets herself the other day - "Lune", which I love. I don't know how she came up with that name. I didn't know it before. Maybe at daycare there's a "Lune" doll which reminded her of this one. It's so funny, bc the puppet is a sleeping doll, which stays in our bed and "Lune" is a form of "Luna" (Spanish: moon). That was quite an interesting incident. So I'm thinking, maybe she would come up with another cool name as soon as she sees "Lizzy" - but then again, she's only a 19-month-old...
And I like to add: In general making this doll is not as difficult as I imagined. It just took some online research on different doll making advice/ideas, a little bit of crafting skills maybe (using a sewing machine speeds things up I suppose) and some time (I used this weekend).
After having had a whole frozen pizza (yeah, Daddy weekend! No cooking of healthy food!) and a whole glass of wine (wohooo, party animal!), and having finished most of the doll (proud, proud, proud, can u tell?) - I'm ready for bed! ;)
It's truly an amazing project you are doing. I'm so curious about the name.