David's father was ill with lung cancer and we left Kyrgyzstan to come be with him. There were a lot of things that were up in the air, but we got grounded very quickly with this news.
You see, the first year that we were married, we did a lot of planning. We thought things through and we thought that we knew how things would go. But, no matter how much we planned, we couldn't expect that on the first Christmas Eve of our marriage, we would be in a doctor's office, listening to our soon-to-be daughter's heartbeat for the very first time. And, that this would forever change our remembrance and thoughts about Christmas Eves in the future.
So, that little heartbeat is now a 16 month old who runs and tries to hop and screams and babbles. She examines every little thing, and every little discrepancy. She loves everything and we love her with everything we are and everything we've got. Going back to those first days of pregnancy, I really approached it all so tentatively, having had two previous miscarriages. I think somehow, I was in question that this mass in my stomach would invariably turn into a human being with her own thoughts and body. Then, when I saw that heartbeat, I knew that I worked. That this baby was not just a fetus, that it was a baby to me and that I would be holding her in less than 8 months from that day. And, it was exactly 8 months from that very day. I knew it. I knew her strength and spirit. I felt her.
There's something that binds a mother to her baby(ies). There's a science to it. I feel when I should go check on her, and so do other mothers. There are a lot of people celebrating a certain little baby tonight and into tomorrow. I am not making this about Olivia, but the power and impact that one person can have on others, and I feel that, down to my core and know that it is true.
(Of course, doing the math, means that this little person will become 2 years old in just 8 months! Wow!)

Merry Christmas, Olivia.
Love, Mommy
Thank you! Christmas with little ones is such an experience. I have many many thoughts on my mind and little stories to tell. But today I'm not going to write more (except for the new post), as I want to go back to my family and enjoy every minute of this special time...