Uff! February is over. Almost. This month I tried to keep track of my financials very seriously as from now on I'll have 200 Euros less than before. For Februar I got 829 € unemployment support (Alg 2 for me and L), about 200 € child support from my ex, and 184 € child benefits. Substracting my monthly fixed costs (like lease, insurances, electricity, phone/internet, nanny) there are about 450 € left for food, toiletries, gas, medicine, gifts and "fun" extras (like wool for knitting, coffees to go, thrift store goodies, clothes). I calculate about 200 € for food from the discount grocery store (which I'll have to recheck, if it's true at all). Turns out this month I spent about 20 € OVER THE BUDGET!
I don't know whether to be happy or sad. I mean, ONLY 20 Euros. That's pretty close to the goal and incredibly good, considering I haven't watched every penny. I just overall tried to safe as much as I could. On the other hand it means, I should be safing EVEN MORE money. In fact it means no more thrift store shopping for fabric OR using my car only half of the month OR not drinking coffee anymore OR (I think that's what I'll do) not buy diapers anymore.
I was hoping the result would be more clear as it should be the basis for my decision whether I have to get a job on the side or not. I'm allowed to earn 100 € extra without loosing (parts of) the unemployment support. But it will be hard to find an official job for that little amount of money, plus one that fits into my schedule with Lenara (the options basically are working at night from home or taking her with me during the day).
Maybe I'll wait another month and first of all try selling more stuff on ebay and the local second hand baby fairs. And maybe making some little girls' dresses to sell on DaWanda. I seriously should find out the terms & conditions at DaWanda.com. I don't think it'll bring a lot of money, as a lot of people are selling similar stuff, but I could at least try (in the beginning 20 € would be just enough to keep my account in balance). It's something I can do from home at night. And it's something I want to get better at too. It's just not so easy to accomplish considering the last post is still valid: I feel very exhausted now. I have to be very careful with my time.
To be continued... I'll have to think everything over.
Does anyone know a well-off attractive Single willing to take care of us? I cut out on "attractive", if neccessary. LOL.
I hope I don't sound like I'm complaining too much. I'm really grateful that in Germany I have the option to stay home with my little girl for the first years - of course for the price of having a tiny budget. It really takes some skills to live with that budget, and I'm seriously proud of how well we are doing with it. Having worked as an account manager before wasn't all that bad. ;) And I know other families who don't have a bigger budget, even though both parents are working - which must be even more frustrating. Right now I'm in a transition phase. I got to figure out my general financial condition with this new budget and my priorities before moving on and being smart about decisions. Wish me luck (again).
Now I got to get ready to pick up Lenara from the Nanny -- 10 km by bike. Trying to implement my resolutions right away. Wish me luck (again). ;)
Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Priority management
These days I've been accomplishing a lot. But still I feel like I don't have enough time. I have so many creative projects on my mind. Yet I'm trying to force myself to finish the old ones, before I start new ones. Which works to some degree and then again not. Then I start something new and stay up late at night, bc I know I won't have time to finish it over a couple of evenings. There are things in my apartment I'd like to organise, some small things like unpacking bags (there are 4 bags by now, I don't even remember what's in them) or ironing a couple of items. Yet I don't get to do it. Last night I stayed up too long again. Which ended in a headache all day today. I took the longest nap with Lenara and still she had to pull me out of bed afterwards, bc I was still so tired. I am interested in looking into the job issue, but yet I don't find a quiet minute to do so. I think today my body sent me a pretty clear warning sign once again. I have to rethink my priorities right now. Whenever I feel overwhelmed and unsatisfied, it's usually the priorities that are not clear. I'm trying to accomplish everything at the same time, and yet it leads to nothing really accomplished in the end. Plus I was looking forward to meeting a dear friend with her family today, and it didn't work out. Frustrating. I think Lenara was really bored and annoyed with her tired Mommy today. So she kept provoking me with things she's not supposed to do. But it was too obvious that she was simply trying to play with me and get my attention. So I couldn't be mad at her. Yet I had a hard time focusing on her, bc I was so tired and trying to figure out what's wrong with my priorities right now. These past weeks I really liked the slow speed of my life. But somehow I feel like it's speeding again now. 24 hours are not enough. And I remember times in my life where I had the same thought. So I take this as an alert and very serious. I have a free morning tomorrow (so L won't get sick overnight and I can't bring her to the Nanny tomorrow, fingers crossed!). Will use it to relax and think. Not do or accomplish stuff. Wish me luck.
Added later:
And I feel so bad that I teach my little girl to pick up her stuff every night before going to bed, and I don't get to pick up my own stuff. Makes me feel horrible. What a bad example I am.
Added later:
And I feel so bad that I teach my little girl to pick up her stuff every night before going to bed, and I don't get to pick up my own stuff. Makes me feel horrible. What a bad example I am.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thrift store find: Boots

Lenara calls them "Mommy's new rubber boots" - she hasn't realized yet that there's a difference in boots. It's the first time I found nice second hand shoes... I like the color of the leather and most of all that they're flats. I have some highheel boots that I barely wear ever since I push a stroller or wander cross crountry. Let's see, if I actually wear these babies. (4 Euros)
Thrift store find: Apron
I saw something red on the bottom of a drawer in the thrift store... it turned out to be this awesome apron:

I don't know what I'll do with it. It doesn't really fit Lenara in a nice way. Maybe I'll attach it to a dress one day. For now I'll just enjoy the fact that I found something this extraordinary.

I don't know what I'll do with it. It doesn't really fit Lenara in a nice way. Maybe I'll attach it to a dress one day. For now I'll just enjoy the fact that I found something this extraordinary.
Thrift store find: Hoody

I found this sweatshirt in the thrift store today (1 Euro). It used to have some boring print in the front, which I covered up with the embroidery. I like the simplicity of this new "design". I also put a little tag on the site. Just some cute detail to match the front.

Only one finished so far... but proud enough to post even one of them. ;) I painted latex on the bottom so it's not slippery. Very easy to make, if you know how to knit a sock. It's basically just a sock sewn into a crochetted sole. I'm just worried it's slightly too small for my girl. But I'm sure it'll stretch when wearing it for a while. If it doesn't fit, I'll sell it. I'm thinking about opening a DaWanda store. I'm just not sure, if I'll find enough time to make things for sale. I'm super busy creating things for Lenara, our home, or gifts for friends and different occasions... a lot of people have been telling me lately to sell my stuff. Hmmm... I like it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
DaWanda: Manati-Mum
Just found MANATI-MUM on DaWanda. I like her style. It reminds me of our style... Check out her shop and blog!

Monday, February 21, 2011
HypnoBirthing® - Mongan Method
I am thinking a lot about Hypnobirthing these days - again. It's always in the back of my mind. My dream is to work as a Hypnobirthing instructor one day - sooner or later. I'm not sure, if it's something I can achieve soon, bc the programme costs quite a bit plus considering the fact, that I have to earn our living with my next job, which I'm not sure teaching Hypnobirthing would offer.
Anyway, I have to get more information first, which I'm about to do. But I think, the reason why I'm thinking about it again these days is the fact, that a lot people around me are having babies (again). And I wish everyone to have a good birthing experience - which is a gift for life, both the baby's and the family's life. Having a stress-free, trauma-free, spiritual birth that keeps in mind the miracle and power of nature and women - it's something every family deserves. It should be a basic right. I feel so sorry for all women who are trying to delete their memories about their birthing experience as it wasn't a good one. This doesn't have to happen like that - and especially, it doesn't have to stay like. I'm very convinced of this method - even though I didn't have the chance yet to try it myself. I'll link to information, so you can get your own opinion.
Unfortunately in Germany, health insurance only pays for regular birthing classes - although it seems to me that Hypnobirthing classes are so much more helpful. But even though you have to pay for it on your own, I think it's worth it. For my next birth I would ask my family and friends to donate for a good birthing experience, instead of baby clothes that last for about 2 weeks, 126 stuffed animals in pink etc etc. There's really not much you need to take care of a baby (something I've learnt after having had my first child). Therefore I will invest in the greatest gifts of all next time - a natural and positive birthing experience.
If I can't be an instructor just now and can't try it myself, it's my goal to at least spread the word. Feel free to tell all your pregnant friends about it. You can also contact people, who have done Hypnobirthing classes before (via websites or facebook).
Here is a quote from the official website:
Official Hypnobirthing Website for Germany and Switzerland (English language)
Official Hypnobirthing Website for US
Hypnobirthing Instructor that teaches in my area. She has a very good website with lots of information, links and her own birthing story.

I also own the official book. If any of my German friends would like to have a look at it, please don't hesitate to ask me about it. Or purchase at Amazon here.
Anyway, I have to get more information first, which I'm about to do. But I think, the reason why I'm thinking about it again these days is the fact, that a lot people around me are having babies (again). And I wish everyone to have a good birthing experience - which is a gift for life, both the baby's and the family's life. Having a stress-free, trauma-free, spiritual birth that keeps in mind the miracle and power of nature and women - it's something every family deserves. It should be a basic right. I feel so sorry for all women who are trying to delete their memories about their birthing experience as it wasn't a good one. This doesn't have to happen like that - and especially, it doesn't have to stay like. I'm very convinced of this method - even though I didn't have the chance yet to try it myself. I'll link to information, so you can get your own opinion.
Unfortunately in Germany, health insurance only pays for regular birthing classes - although it seems to me that Hypnobirthing classes are so much more helpful. But even though you have to pay for it on your own, I think it's worth it. For my next birth I would ask my family and friends to donate for a good birthing experience, instead of baby clothes that last for about 2 weeks, 126 stuffed animals in pink etc etc. There's really not much you need to take care of a baby (something I've learnt after having had my first child). Therefore I will invest in the greatest gifts of all next time - a natural and positive birthing experience.
If I can't be an instructor just now and can't try it myself, it's my goal to at least spread the word. Feel free to tell all your pregnant friends about it. You can also contact people, who have done Hypnobirthing classes before (via websites or facebook).
Here is a quote from the official website:
HypnoBirthing® is a rewarding, relaxing, and stress-free method of birthing that teaches a mother, along with her birthing companion the art and joy of experiencing birth in an easier, more comfortable and often pain-free manner that most nearly mirrors nature. HypnoBirthing® - the Mongan method is time proven since 1989 celebrating an internationally known birthing program using self-hypnosis. The program is based on the theories from Grantly Dick-Read, the father of natural childbirth. [...]
Advantages of HypnoBirthing®
* Eliminates the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome before, during and after birthing.
* Eliminates or greatly reduces the need for chemical painkillers.
* Shortens the first stage of labor by several hours.
* Eliminates fatigue during labor, leaving mother fresh, awake, and with energy for actual birthing.
* Eliminates risk of hyperventilation from "shallow" breathing methods.
* Promotes special bonding of mother, baby, and birthing companion.
* More rapid postnatal recovery.
* Returns birthing to the beautiful, peaceful experience nature intended.
* Creates a more integral role for the birthing companion.
Official Hypnobirthing Website for Germany and Switzerland (English language)
Official Hypnobirthing Website for US
Hypnobirthing Instructor that teaches in my area. She has a very good website with lots of information, links and her own birthing story.

I also own the official book. If any of my German friends would like to have a look at it, please don't hesitate to ask me about it. Or purchase at Amazon here.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Fun is not fashionable sometimes
We were at the home improvement store and Olivia was finding a lot of stuff to get into.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Home depot in Maryland
Thrift store find
Olivia at 18 months & love day
Valentines day (a craft). I sewed together 2 pieces of a brown bag and put some gifts inside. You could put in Candy, panties!, and stuff...

It makes me so happy to hear all of her joyful noise. Lately Olivia sings and talks and it makes me so happy, from the inside out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

It makes me so happy to hear all of her joyful noise. Lately Olivia sings and talks and it makes me so happy, from the inside out.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Chair Cover

This has been on my not-finished-projects-pile forever. It took a couple of hours today to finish it. But now I'm pretty happy. Like all my projects this one was a learning-by-doing project and not all things went great, i.e. the bands shrinked when I ironed over them and made the fabric turn into wrinkles. It looked worse in the beginning. But I'm learning. =)
Second Hand Season is opened!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Verbaudet Summer Inspiration
This will be a long post (I appologize right away), but I got the new Verbaudet catalogue in the mail today and as always it's very inspiring for summer sewing projects. I love their style! So I just used this post for saving my favorite outfits, that I think aren't too complicated to copy...

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