Since I took down the Christmas decoration, our table looked quite empty with only one "naked" candle. I wanted to do something about it, but didn't quite know yet what. I only wanted to keep the piece of wood and some candle (it's our tradition to light a candle for all meals). On our walk today our goal was to find a snail shell. The snow has gone now and it was extremely fun to stray around, look at all the things on the muddy ground, pick up some stuff, show each other, carry some along (Lenara was determined to carry home a big stone today. Every time she set it down, she made sure, to have it when leaving that place. Some time towards the end of our walk she must have realized that the effort of taking home a random stone - it wasn't even a pretty one - is too big. She left it on the street. I reminded her of the stone, just because I wasn't sure, if she did it on purpose or just forgot to take it along. The first time I asked her about the stone, she went back to get it. She did it another time. I asked her again and she replied "no, Mommy, leave stone" and she seemed very relieved. I thought that was quite interesting to follow her decision making.) Anyway, this was about my table decoration. We couldn't find any snail shells and I seriously started wondering, if there can be found any at all at this time of the year. I never paid attention to things like that. So we were close to giving up our search. But at one little yard - wow - suddenly hundreds of them! This might have been bc I had sent a wish to the universe (Law of Attraction) or just coincidence - but to us it seemed like a true miracle after we had spent so much time looking for only one. What a treasure we had found!
I didn't have any container to put them in, but I had an emergency diaper in my bag. So we put our 15+ snail shells in there to carry them home. Lenara thought that was weird. She kept starring at the diaper. Hehe.
So this is what our rest-of-winter-decoration ended up looking like: a new candle glass (with thready white transparent paper), some stones we had found at Lake Constance two summers ago (all with one white line) and some of our snail shells. I added a white line to them which matches the stones somewhat.

Please note our temperature thingy in the background. It's not an iPad (yet), but it's digital with radio communication! ;)
It's so lovely! What a great arrangement. The little gnome is a fun winter personality. The lighting of the candle is a great start to every meal. Is that a Waldorf inspired routine? I like it a lot!
ReplyDeleteI also like that Lenara made the decision and followed it that she wanted to leave the rock. They are their own little people, it's amazing!
I love it!!!
It's so cold here, I'm looking forward to our good walks again.
You are too funny, about the iPad. I totally didn't do that on purpose. And, I forgot that the whole reason that I did the video was to ask you if our little gingerbread house seemed really German. It was from a store with specialty items and it was written all in German, so I bought it thinking of you guys!