Tuesday, January 11, 2011

To my Friend...

Hey there, Lenara's Mommy!

Here it is almost half way into January, and things are already getting out of control.
It's not that I have control issues (ya, I think I might), but man, I like things to move smoothly or I get all out of whack. Olivia and I are alike in that way, it seems.

We've all been sick and then have jinxed ourselves by saying we are getting better and then we get sick with another kind of illness. Luckily, Olivia really is getting well and modern medicine is brilliant as I'm sure that people died from this very illness just a century ago.

About the commenting. I have left countless comments and have published them thinking that everything was documented appropriately and I now see that none of my comments were saved. I'm sure that this is user error and I don't know what I did, but I screwed something up along the way. I'll see which ones didn't save and include thoughts below.

This is such a fun age right now. The authentic game that you and Lenara created was originated through interest and together-time, and that is so special. Just last week, I gave away a big carpet with roads and buildings/community on it because I thought it was too commercial and I didn't like the space that it took up. I'm still glad I gave it away, I wouldn't want to shoo my baby away to go play on it when we could play together and CREATE something AUTHENTIC together, after all, isn't that what being an IN TUNE caretaker and MOTHER is all about. You ROCK motherhood! Lenara seems like a fun and intelligent little girl, even if the day nanny thinks she's a little wonderer.

I have to say it now that I loved your post about being a mother and your feelings of giving someone a good start. It was the post about when your friend came with the little baby. It's hard to know exactly how you feel sometimes, but I do have a grasp and belief that everything has a way of working out fine. Your growth has definitely been evident and you are much more confident and grounded than the K we met in Bishkek.

I do like the template and the new look of the blog. It's refreshing.

We were all touched by the signs that you left on Christmas for us. I posted a thank you on Christmas, I think. I'm not sure what comments got published now or not.

Oh, we tried the Waldorf school and liked the philosophy but it seemed so contrived as it is sooo far away from American culture, embarrassingly. Every mom there was more like an Gypsy dressed in clothes from Wal-Mart and all sorts of in congruencies like that. Plus, the mom's were negative and that seemed to negate the whole Waldorfian (is that a word) feeling to the learning environment.

Doll making took a hold because I want to create something that has feeling in it. I don't want to create something just to make something. Beanbags, I can do that without much thought. They were practical.

Also, I have been listening to Olivia more. She didn't have such a big interest in dolls then. Now, that interest is growing. I want to feed my projects on her interests rather than trying to force interest in my project that I created. Basically, I want it to be about her.

Granted, I am good at sparking interest and have an idea about things that she will like, and love sparking Olivia's curiosity. Right now, Olivia is liking to stack, spin in circles and climb onto things. She was a late crawler so she is having lots of "look what I can do!" moments, which are wonderful and full of celebration.

Motherhood calls..more later!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


1 comment:

  1. I'll check on those tags and make sure we are using consistent ones. I miss YOU as well. New Years was spent sleeping this year, so I can't guarantee that we would have been loads of fun...

    Happy New Year, Ladies!
