Have you heard of bookcrossing before?
I like the idea. Will read more about it soon. Since I can't afford any own new books right now, this might be a good idea. I'm just not sure, if there's a way to get a specific book that you'd like to read.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Germany's back!
Hey there Conovers and all our lovely readers! We're back! As you've probably noticed, as I've left quite some comments. ;) Yes, Jenn, I missed our blog. Thanks for posting so much! What a joy to get back online! And thanks for your detailled update. Yay, for the baby making part! I'm telling you, everything will work out fine at a time it's supposed to work out. Don't worry too much. You've done it once (and did a good job). You'll do it again. I'm so excited for you guys. Please keep sharing your thoughts (and results!)... I'm very willing to support you... emotionally I mean, I don't know what my role could look like physically... ;)
About our vacation: We had so much fun. What a time-out! Best weather, enough snow, quite some skiing and sledding, taking turns babysitting, taking turns doing the puzzles for the 100006th time, waking up to the smell of coffee and a set breakfast table every morning, barely having to think about cooking, barely having to wipe anything, not having to change every single (!) diaper myself, cake every afternoon, company (aka my parents) every night, not feeling guilty about watching TV every night and... and... and... we definitely enjoyed our slow winter days!

Vacation inspiration:
In the future not get stuck online so much with useless things (like browsing through Facebook-Photo-Albums of people I don't even know, or not finding an end to browsing sewing projects...), rather turn on the computer during nap time and not in the evening
Living offline was such a quality. I finished 4 little knitting projects (a matching scarf for Lenara's hat, a double layer for said hat to make it even warmer, a crochetted flower, socks for Maruun and a felt banana for Lenara's food basket and/or her stuffed monkey). And I really enjoyed watching TV again. I haven't really turned on the TV in quite a while. But it didn't feel like I have missed anything. All those old shows are still the same basically. It was good to enjoy for this amount of time, but I know I won't need to turn on the TV in the future (except for assorted shows or movies).
I'm thinking about getting an 8hrs/week job. I knew before that I will have a major money issue from February on, but I wasn't sure about having the energy to handle a real job. But imagine I won't turn on the computer nor the TV every night, this gives me a couple of extra hours, I could use for something useful - like making money (or sewing, I know). My Dad has some information about a possible job (inserting data into an online database). I've done it before as a summer job during Highschool times. It's boring, but easy. And most important: probably flexible enough that I could do it from home sometime during the week. My goal is to get more information about it and find out, if and how it could work. Still I think, 8 hours is a lot - considering I only have about 2 hours to myself every night and I also have to relax a bit to keep up my energy level (which is a real factor due to my history and single mom conditions). I know most working Moms would laugh at me, but 8 hrs without any extra babysitting (which I can't afford) is a big committment for me. Yet, I know I'll be thankful for every extra Euro and I know I'd feel better, if I earned a bit money on my own and slowly gain a feeling for the working world again (which I'm still so afraid of, I just don't get over this trauma, it's so frustrating). I came home very motivated.
Tonight - after day one of leading my own life again and being responsible for everything on my own (including my little girl) - I'm not quite as motivated anymore. It's 10:15 at night and I feel very very tired. I'm not close to having done everything I had on my personal list for tonight (doing laundry, calling a friend, checking our blog, uploading pictures, getting a to do list done for the upcoming week, checking my finances). If I was doing that/a job, I would still be working for another 15 minutes. And I would have not yet been able to organize ANYTHING of my personal life. That thought makes me sad. And confused: I feel like I don't have enough personal time even now. Yet, I need the money. What should I do? My Mom offered to take Lenara a couple of hours let's say every Wednesday afternoon. That would help get some working time in during the day. Yet, I feel like I don't have enough free/play time with Lenara myself even now. I mean, during the day I have to get done or organize so many other things at the same time (meals, cleaning, mail, important phone calls, grocery shopping), or she's at the day nanny's or we're at playgroup, or at the single parents meeting or we visit with some of our many family members, or we're at a playdate (basically my only occasion to be social, so usually we're trying to get some adult talk in, while entertaining the kids) - or she's at daddy's 3 days in a row. I enjoy the days, when I have nothing important on my list and we can just hang out all day long and see what the day has in store for us (interrupted by preparing meals of course, hard to skip that part) without having to worry about naps taken on time, being somewhere on time, getting into the car to go anywhere... those pure play moments, when I feel that magical close connection with my daughter are rare, or I should rather say very short moments spread over the day - which is clearly not the same. Getting back to my point, giving her away another afternoon for babysitting just feels like another time I'm losing her and having to split up our week in one more little piece. Yet, I know I'll "lose" her to Kindergarten at some point anyway. And many other Mom's are working by now and have their kids at daycare all week - so what am I complaining about? Am I holding on too much? Am I far far from reality? Am I a lazy a*** for trying to avoid work in order to spend quality time with my girl? Working at night when it doesn't affect any Mommy-Daughter-Interaction therefore seems like a good solution. Yet, I do worry about my own energy and my abililty to organize our personal life (not even talking about upholding those few attempts of following a hobby, like sewing i.e.), if I miss those evening hours. Yet, I need some money... duh! Frustrating!!!!
How did this post end this way? I was only going to post some nice holiday impressions...
About our vacation: We had so much fun. What a time-out! Best weather, enough snow, quite some skiing and sledding, taking turns babysitting, taking turns doing the puzzles for the 100006th time, waking up to the smell of coffee and a set breakfast table every morning, barely having to think about cooking, barely having to wipe anything, not having to change every single (!) diaper myself, cake every afternoon, company (aka my parents) every night, not feeling guilty about watching TV every night and... and... and... we definitely enjoyed our slow winter days!
Vacation inspiration:
In the future not get stuck online so much with useless things (like browsing through Facebook-Photo-Albums of people I don't even know, or not finding an end to browsing sewing projects...), rather turn on the computer during nap time and not in the evening
Living offline was such a quality. I finished 4 little knitting projects (a matching scarf for Lenara's hat, a double layer for said hat to make it even warmer, a crochetted flower, socks for Maruun and a felt banana for Lenara's food basket and/or her stuffed monkey). And I really enjoyed watching TV again. I haven't really turned on the TV in quite a while. But it didn't feel like I have missed anything. All those old shows are still the same basically. It was good to enjoy for this amount of time, but I know I won't need to turn on the TV in the future (except for assorted shows or movies).
I'm thinking about getting an 8hrs/week job. I knew before that I will have a major money issue from February on, but I wasn't sure about having the energy to handle a real job. But imagine I won't turn on the computer nor the TV every night, this gives me a couple of extra hours, I could use for something useful - like making money (or sewing, I know). My Dad has some information about a possible job (inserting data into an online database). I've done it before as a summer job during Highschool times. It's boring, but easy. And most important: probably flexible enough that I could do it from home sometime during the week. My goal is to get more information about it and find out, if and how it could work. Still I think, 8 hours is a lot - considering I only have about 2 hours to myself every night and I also have to relax a bit to keep up my energy level (which is a real factor due to my history and single mom conditions). I know most working Moms would laugh at me, but 8 hrs without any extra babysitting (which I can't afford) is a big committment for me. Yet, I know I'll be thankful for every extra Euro and I know I'd feel better, if I earned a bit money on my own and slowly gain a feeling for the working world again (which I'm still so afraid of, I just don't get over this trauma, it's so frustrating). I came home very motivated.
Tonight - after day one of leading my own life again and being responsible for everything on my own (including my little girl) - I'm not quite as motivated anymore. It's 10:15 at night and I feel very very tired. I'm not close to having done everything I had on my personal list for tonight (doing laundry, calling a friend, checking our blog, uploading pictures, getting a to do list done for the upcoming week, checking my finances). If I was doing that/a job, I would still be working for another 15 minutes. And I would have not yet been able to organize ANYTHING of my personal life. That thought makes me sad. And confused: I feel like I don't have enough personal time even now. Yet, I need the money. What should I do? My Mom offered to take Lenara a couple of hours let's say every Wednesday afternoon. That would help get some working time in during the day. Yet, I feel like I don't have enough free/play time with Lenara myself even now. I mean, during the day I have to get done or organize so many other things at the same time (meals, cleaning, mail, important phone calls, grocery shopping), or she's at the day nanny's or we're at playgroup, or at the single parents meeting or we visit with some of our many family members, or we're at a playdate (basically my only occasion to be social, so usually we're trying to get some adult talk in, while entertaining the kids) - or she's at daddy's 3 days in a row. I enjoy the days, when I have nothing important on my list and we can just hang out all day long and see what the day has in store for us (interrupted by preparing meals of course, hard to skip that part) without having to worry about naps taken on time, being somewhere on time, getting into the car to go anywhere... those pure play moments, when I feel that magical close connection with my daughter are rare, or I should rather say very short moments spread over the day - which is clearly not the same. Getting back to my point, giving her away another afternoon for babysitting just feels like another time I'm losing her and having to split up our week in one more little piece. Yet, I know I'll "lose" her to Kindergarten at some point anyway. And many other Mom's are working by now and have their kids at daycare all week - so what am I complaining about? Am I holding on too much? Am I far far from reality? Am I a lazy a*** for trying to avoid work in order to spend quality time with my girl? Working at night when it doesn't affect any Mommy-Daughter-Interaction therefore seems like a good solution. Yet, I do worry about my own energy and my abililty to organize our personal life (not even talking about upholding those few attempts of following a hobby, like sewing i.e.), if I miss those evening hours. Yet, I need some money... duh! Frustrating!!!!
How did this post end this way? I was only going to post some nice holiday impressions...
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Sewing Therapy
I bought a skirt from the second hand store.

It was 50% off of $2.98.

I used a dress (sized for a 2 year old) as a guide.

Then I cut the bottom hem off to make it the right length. I want it to be a long shirt/short dress look.

The fabric was thick so instead of gathering it with a loose stitch, I added elastic I had on hand to gather the fabric.

The zipper and closure never moved. That's one thing I liked about this project.
The bottom hem that was cut off became the two straps. I stitched excess fabric on to cover the elastic on the inside.

Here's the final product and a bow to match.
Why am I loving plaids so much right now!! I want to add a heart or embellish it somehow but I don't want it to be cheesy-girly, just sweet and simple.

This was my rendition of the "easy dress" from a couple of posts ago.
It was fun and simple. Try it?!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

It was 50% off of $2.98.

I used a dress (sized for a 2 year old) as a guide.

Then I cut the bottom hem off to make it the right length. I want it to be a long shirt/short dress look.

The fabric was thick so instead of gathering it with a loose stitch, I added elastic I had on hand to gather the fabric.

The zipper and closure never moved. That's one thing I liked about this project.
The bottom hem that was cut off became the two straps. I stitched excess fabric on to cover the elastic on the inside.

Here's the final product and a bow to match.
Why am I loving plaids so much right now!! I want to add a heart or embellish it somehow but I don't want it to be cheesy-girly, just sweet and simple.

This was my rendition of the "easy dress" from a couple of posts ago.
It was fun and simple. Try it?!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
This girl. She's so happy most of tOlivia is climbing everywhere ever since we took her to a little play area for kids, called MyGym. It was an indoor play area that we did a free trial class at since it is Winter and Olive is getting restless ( or is that me?)
I wish I had thus ab strength!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I wish I had thus ab strength!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, January 21, 2011
Sewing Project List
David is going to be gone the whole weekend and I am going to enjoy it, no offense David!
I really have a hard time staying focussed when I sew. Basically, there are just so many things that I want to sew I get close to selecting the fabric or looking for a template and finding something else that I like more. Then, Olivia wakes up and I haven't got anything done.
So, my goal is to sew and hopefully finish something everyday this week (added Sunday night: it sooo never happened). I am really looking forward to this! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Woo hoo!!! Also, I am only going to use what I have.
Everything pictured is lovely and I also have a list: (It may not make sense, but I will have photos later of what I finish. I just love the way it feels to want to make something and to actually do it)
-Quiet book (this may take the whole weekend): buttons, snaps, finger puppets, pockets,
-Crayon roll (20 min)
one or all of the following:
House pillow (20 min)
Tree pillow
Bird pillow
-**Postcard set (3 hours...must purchase fabric paper to complete this one)
-DONE. Snack bags (10 min)
-baby and baby blanket (1 hour)
-place mats (30 min)
-fabric napkins (30 min)
-Simple dress below: (30 min)
-Corduroy dress below: (1 hour?)
-Drawstring bag for sweet little Olivia keepsakes: (1 hour...embroidery "O")
So, added up, I don't have enough time to do everything. But, I really want results.
Hmm...decisions, decisions!
(Note: added Tuesday: I am going to make something or work on something each night when Olivia goes to sleep. Tonight I am going to make the simple dress!
Fabric Napkins (just to get the creative juices flowing) set of 4 minimum.
Snack bags (these are practical and I need them asap)
crayon roll/apron (this is going to be perfect for my niece!)
Corduroy dress!
House pillow
Sunday: Quiet book (I think I will add a zipper and buttoning page). This one is pretty simple. I want to have one to keep in my bag for when we get stuck in traffic or when we are sitting in a doctor's office or waiting area for a long time. Olivia is very patient, but it would be a fun thing for her in an unfun time! The tic tac toe is a little advanced for her but I think I might do a page to match. Like putting the green on the green, etc. Another page that I saw somewhere that I liked was a pocket with little finger puppets inside. So, below is just an inspiration. I do like that there are just a few colors used.

I may switch the Saturday and Sunday sewing projects. Ya, I have to write this all down, even that I am giving myself permission to switch, because that is how spay I get about routine. I really like knowing what is going to be expected (even from myself).
How cute and easy is this! Love it!

We use little snack bags like crazy and I don't like using plastic so I am going to make these.

This is sweet and simple...I love this. It just looks like our girls to me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I really have a hard time staying focussed when I sew. Basically, there are just so many things that I want to sew I get close to selecting the fabric or looking for a template and finding something else that I like more. Then, Olivia wakes up and I haven't got anything done.
So, my goal is to sew and hopefully finish something everyday this week (added Sunday night: it sooo never happened). I am really looking forward to this! Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Woo hoo!!! Also, I am only going to use what I have.
Everything pictured is lovely and I also have a list: (It may not make sense, but I will have photos later of what I finish. I just love the way it feels to want to make something and to actually do it)
-Quiet book (this may take the whole weekend): buttons, snaps, finger puppets, pockets,
-Crayon roll (20 min)
one or all of the following:
House pillow (20 min)
Tree pillow
Bird pillow
-**Postcard set (3 hours...must purchase fabric paper to complete this one)
-DONE. Snack bags (10 min)
-baby and baby blanket (1 hour)
-place mats (30 min)
-fabric napkins (30 min)
-Simple dress below: (30 min)
-Corduroy dress below: (1 hour?)
-Drawstring bag for sweet little Olivia keepsakes: (1 hour...embroidery "O")
So, added up, I don't have enough time to do everything. But, I really want results.
Hmm...decisions, decisions!
(Note: added Tuesday: I am going to make something or work on something each night when Olivia goes to sleep. Tonight I am going to make the simple dress!
Fabric Napkins (just to get the creative juices flowing) set of 4 minimum.
Snack bags (these are practical and I need them asap)
crayon roll/apron (this is going to be perfect for my niece!)
Corduroy dress!
House pillow
Sunday: Quiet book (I think I will add a zipper and buttoning page). This one is pretty simple. I want to have one to keep in my bag for when we get stuck in traffic or when we are sitting in a doctor's office or waiting area for a long time. Olivia is very patient, but it would be a fun thing for her in an unfun time! The tic tac toe is a little advanced for her but I think I might do a page to match. Like putting the green on the green, etc. Another page that I saw somewhere that I liked was a pocket with little finger puppets inside. So, below is just an inspiration. I do like that there are just a few colors used.

I may switch the Saturday and Sunday sewing projects. Ya, I have to write this all down, even that I am giving myself permission to switch, because that is how spay I get about routine. I really like knowing what is going to be expected (even from myself).
How cute and easy is this! Love it!

We use little snack bags like crazy and I don't like using plastic so I am going to make these.

This is sweet and simple...I love this. It just looks like our girls to me.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Valentines day prep
These are a simple little idea that I thought up and I am playing with the most simple design. They are just hearts cut out from a paper bag and sewn together with candy inside. I tucked in a little note, too. And, a pair of little socks. Who doesn't love socks.
Anyway, a dear friend is getting married in the near future. The ring is going to make it's appearance any day now. And, I have to get busy thinking up little ideas because although there is a budget, she doesn't want to even come close to spending it and I love that about her. The cost for this was next to nothing. I didn't bargain shop for candies, but I think that the candy could be purchased for less than what I paid for it. I think each heart maybe cost about 20c.
Not bad. Maybe they could be the little satchels for the rice to be thrown at the end. Maybe next year I will use this idea for the advent calendar.
The hearts are unfinished in this picture, but will read, "Have an OPEN HEART." Happy Valentine's Day. Love, The Conovers
News:- My cousin moved in because he is going to do his graduate degree at a university close to us. He moved all the way from Utah and David and he are friends already. It's been really awesome.
-I have a lump behind my knee and it's causing my leg to go numb. I called the insurance help line and they suggest compresses and not to massage it. Like I was going to massage it, ugh. I'm kind of worried about it, but I'm trying to be over stressed about it. My doctor appointment (the soonest I could get) is going to be on the 27th.
-We're trying to make a baby. No visuals! But ya. Kind of exciting! It might take a while, so I'll let you know as soon as I know anything. This is where I get nervous and just need to relax but want to be excited, but feel hesitant about "what ifs". I just need someone to tell me everything will be fine and to just have fun trying.
-I'm feeling pretty crafty, and not just in the baby making department. I really have my sewing machine out on the kitchen table and I am refusing it to put it away because it is just so good for my soul.
-David has been super busy this week. So, I am using all of this "me time" when Olivia is napping to organize (although it just looks messy at first) and to sew.
-Olivia is getting more fun everyday. She is so observant and doesn't miss anything. She loves to be funny and the center of attention. I really want her to have the skill of playing alone more. Her eating has got waaaay better and I don't worry about it because she eats quite a bit. I'm still nursing her, but waaaay less and I think that has helped.
-I miss you! I hope you are having tons of fun and will post photos when you come back. And, I love knowing that you are thinking of the blog and possibly missing it.
: )

Anyway, a dear friend is getting married in the near future. The ring is going to make it's appearance any day now. And, I have to get busy thinking up little ideas because although there is a budget, she doesn't want to even come close to spending it and I love that about her. The cost for this was next to nothing. I didn't bargain shop for candies, but I think that the candy could be purchased for less than what I paid for it. I think each heart maybe cost about 20c.
Not bad. Maybe they could be the little satchels for the rice to be thrown at the end. Maybe next year I will use this idea for the advent calendar.
The hearts are unfinished in this picture, but will read, "Have an OPEN HEART." Happy Valentine's Day. Love, The Conovers
News:- My cousin moved in because he is going to do his graduate degree at a university close to us. He moved all the way from Utah and David and he are friends already. It's been really awesome.
-I have a lump behind my knee and it's causing my leg to go numb. I called the insurance help line and they suggest compresses and not to massage it. Like I was going to massage it, ugh. I'm kind of worried about it, but I'm trying to be over stressed about it. My doctor appointment (the soonest I could get) is going to be on the 27th.
-We're trying to make a baby. No visuals! But ya. Kind of exciting! It might take a while, so I'll let you know as soon as I know anything. This is where I get nervous and just need to relax but want to be excited, but feel hesitant about "what ifs". I just need someone to tell me everything will be fine and to just have fun trying.
-I'm feeling pretty crafty, and not just in the baby making department. I really have my sewing machine out on the kitchen table and I am refusing it to put it away because it is just so good for my soul.
-David has been super busy this week. So, I am using all of this "me time" when Olivia is napping to organize (although it just looks messy at first) and to sew.
-Olivia is getting more fun everyday. She is so observant and doesn't miss anything. She loves to be funny and the center of attention. I really want her to have the skill of playing alone more. Her eating has got waaaay better and I don't worry about it because she eats quite a bit. I'm still nursing her, but waaaay less and I think that has helped.
-I miss you! I hope you are having tons of fun and will post photos when you come back. And, I love knowing that you are thinking of the blog and possibly missing it.
: )

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
over parenting
I was reading on today and found a really interesting article on Over-Parenting. I like that they noticed that there is that element in America. It may not exist in Germany.
Perhaps I am just attentive (I like to think so) but...
Maybe I am guilty of it. The article was pretty intriguing and I agree with most of the points about instilling in the children an ability to entertain themselves and learn without interruption. We, pretty early on, agreed on not interrupting Olivia's process of learning, even though it was sooo incredibly hard not to help and to narrate and help her explore. It's been fun seeing what kind of "outside the box" things she does when we don't teach her that something is supposed to be used in a certain way.
After some non-internet time, maybe you'll be interested in the article on
Anyway, I don't want to write too much about it before you read it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Perhaps I am just attentive (I like to think so) but...
Maybe I am guilty of it. The article was pretty intriguing and I agree with most of the points about instilling in the children an ability to entertain themselves and learn without interruption. We, pretty early on, agreed on not interrupting Olivia's process of learning, even though it was sooo incredibly hard not to help and to narrate and help her explore. It's been fun seeing what kind of "outside the box" things she does when we don't teach her that something is supposed to be used in a certain way.
After some non-internet time, maybe you'll be interested in the article on
Anyway, I don't want to write too much about it before you read it.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Friday, January 14, 2011
Just one more
I tried a skirt from a shirt last weekend (not really shirred much though):

I recycled one of my old sweater vests from my Highschool dress code into one for Lenara:

My first major sewing accident:

I recycled one of my old sweater vests from my Highschool dress code into one for Lenara:

My first major sewing accident:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Wardrobe Re:Fashion
Wardrobe Re:Fashion This blog has actually closed down, but still great for browsing through all those old projects. Great kids' stuff too!
This encourages me to get fabric from Thrift store clothes...
This encourages me to get fabric from Thrift store clothes...
No internet for 2 weeks!
We'll be heading off for our skiing break on Saturday. Which is great. Somehow. But we won't have any internet access for the entire time!!! I don't know how I'll survive... I just don't.
Sewing Inspiration
Shirred dress/skirt:

Another one:

Flower Collar:

Best Style:
Jen, ahhhhh, you'll have to look at this page: The cutest ever girls' clothes! OMG! I'm so excited! They look easy, maybe we can do something like it! Ahhhhh! And again... Ahhhh! Here's the link to all of this Blogger's sewing projects: Katie did

Another one:
Flower Collar:
Best Style:
Jen, ahhhhh, you'll have to look at this page: The cutest ever girls' clothes! OMG! I'm so excited! They look easy, maybe we can do something like it! Ahhhhh! And again... Ahhhh! Here's the link to all of this Blogger's sewing projects: Katie did

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
To my Friend...
Hey there, Lenara's Mommy!
Here it is almost half way into January, and things are already getting out of control.
It's not that I have control issues (ya, I think I might), but man, I like things to move smoothly or I get all out of whack. Olivia and I are alike in that way, it seems.
We've all been sick and then have jinxed ourselves by saying we are getting better and then we get sick with another kind of illness. Luckily, Olivia really is getting well and modern medicine is brilliant as I'm sure that people died from this very illness just a century ago.
About the commenting. I have left countless comments and have published them thinking that everything was documented appropriately and I now see that none of my comments were saved. I'm sure that this is user error and I don't know what I did, but I screwed something up along the way. I'll see which ones didn't save and include thoughts below.
This is such a fun age right now. The authentic game that you and Lenara created was originated through interest and together-time, and that is so special. Just last week, I gave away a big carpet with roads and buildings/community on it because I thought it was too commercial and I didn't like the space that it took up. I'm still glad I gave it away, I wouldn't want to shoo my baby away to go play on it when we could play together and CREATE something AUTHENTIC together, after all, isn't that what being an IN TUNE caretaker and MOTHER is all about. You ROCK motherhood! Lenara seems like a fun and intelligent little girl, even if the day nanny thinks she's a little wonderer.
I have to say it now that I loved your post about being a mother and your feelings of giving someone a good start. It was the post about when your friend came with the little baby. It's hard to know exactly how you feel sometimes, but I do have a grasp and belief that everything has a way of working out fine. Your growth has definitely been evident and you are much more confident and grounded than the K we met in Bishkek.
I do like the template and the new look of the blog. It's refreshing.
We were all touched by the signs that you left on Christmas for us. I posted a thank you on Christmas, I think. I'm not sure what comments got published now or not.
Oh, we tried the Waldorf school and liked the philosophy but it seemed so contrived as it is sooo far away from American culture, embarrassingly. Every mom there was more like an Gypsy dressed in clothes from Wal-Mart and all sorts of in congruencies like that. Plus, the mom's were negative and that seemed to negate the whole Waldorfian (is that a word) feeling to the learning environment.
Doll making took a hold because I want to create something that has feeling in it. I don't want to create something just to make something. Beanbags, I can do that without much thought. They were practical.
Also, I have been listening to Olivia more. She didn't have such a big interest in dolls then. Now, that interest is growing. I want to feed my projects on her interests rather than trying to force interest in my project that I created. Basically, I want it to be about her.
Granted, I am good at sparking interest and have an idea about things that she will like, and love sparking Olivia's curiosity. Right now, Olivia is liking to stack, spin in circles and climb onto things. She was a late crawler so she is having lots of "look what I can do!" moments, which are wonderful and full of celebration.
Motherhood calls..more later!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Here it is almost half way into January, and things are already getting out of control.
It's not that I have control issues (ya, I think I might), but man, I like things to move smoothly or I get all out of whack. Olivia and I are alike in that way, it seems.
We've all been sick and then have jinxed ourselves by saying we are getting better and then we get sick with another kind of illness. Luckily, Olivia really is getting well and modern medicine is brilliant as I'm sure that people died from this very illness just a century ago.
About the commenting. I have left countless comments and have published them thinking that everything was documented appropriately and I now see that none of my comments were saved. I'm sure that this is user error and I don't know what I did, but I screwed something up along the way. I'll see which ones didn't save and include thoughts below.
This is such a fun age right now. The authentic game that you and Lenara created was originated through interest and together-time, and that is so special. Just last week, I gave away a big carpet with roads and buildings/community on it because I thought it was too commercial and I didn't like the space that it took up. I'm still glad I gave it away, I wouldn't want to shoo my baby away to go play on it when we could play together and CREATE something AUTHENTIC together, after all, isn't that what being an IN TUNE caretaker and MOTHER is all about. You ROCK motherhood! Lenara seems like a fun and intelligent little girl, even if the day nanny thinks she's a little wonderer.
I have to say it now that I loved your post about being a mother and your feelings of giving someone a good start. It was the post about when your friend came with the little baby. It's hard to know exactly how you feel sometimes, but I do have a grasp and belief that everything has a way of working out fine. Your growth has definitely been evident and you are much more confident and grounded than the K we met in Bishkek.
I do like the template and the new look of the blog. It's refreshing.
We were all touched by the signs that you left on Christmas for us. I posted a thank you on Christmas, I think. I'm not sure what comments got published now or not.
Oh, we tried the Waldorf school and liked the philosophy but it seemed so contrived as it is sooo far away from American culture, embarrassingly. Every mom there was more like an Gypsy dressed in clothes from Wal-Mart and all sorts of in congruencies like that. Plus, the mom's were negative and that seemed to negate the whole Waldorfian (is that a word) feeling to the learning environment.
Doll making took a hold because I want to create something that has feeling in it. I don't want to create something just to make something. Beanbags, I can do that without much thought. They were practical.
Also, I have been listening to Olivia more. She didn't have such a big interest in dolls then. Now, that interest is growing. I want to feed my projects on her interests rather than trying to force interest in my project that I created. Basically, I want it to be about her.
Granted, I am good at sparking interest and have an idea about things that she will like, and love sparking Olivia's curiosity. Right now, Olivia is liking to stack, spin in circles and climb onto things. She was a late crawler so she is having lots of "look what I can do!" moments, which are wonderful and full of celebration.
Motherhood calls..more later!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Repurposing stained baby clothes
Stomache flu
Due to given reason here are some dishes that qualify for a stomache flu diet:
1. Zwieback and camomille tea for breakfast
2. water, tea, water...
3. Mashed potatoes mixed with plain broth (no butter or milk) for lunch
4. Grated apples with Zwieback crums for dessert
5. water, tea, water...
6. Pretzel sticks and crackers for snack
7. water, tea, water...
8. Rice with broth or rice with tomatoes for dinner
9. water, tea, water...
Yummie! Yesterday while I was preparing this for Lenara (she threw up all night), I really thought, wow, that's not a bad diet at all. But as I just returned from the bathroom myself... I'm not quite sure anymore.
1. Zwieback and camomille tea for breakfast
2. water, tea, water...
3. Mashed potatoes mixed with plain broth (no butter or milk) for lunch
4. Grated apples with Zwieback crums for dessert
5. water, tea, water...
6. Pretzel sticks and crackers for snack
7. water, tea, water...
8. Rice with broth or rice with tomatoes for dinner
9. water, tea, water...
Yummie! Yesterday while I was preparing this for Lenara (she threw up all night), I really thought, wow, that's not a bad diet at all. But as I just returned from the bathroom myself... I'm not quite sure anymore.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Alone for an hour and a half...
David & Olivia went on a date...

And Mommy stayed home and...
1) ate. It was the first thing I thought of doing. Eating without having to share is quite lovely when it's my favorite (ham and cucumber sandwich).
2) put on a movie that I've wanted to watch for a while (and David doesn't want to watch it). Food, Inc.
Then I realize I just ate a ham sandwich and probably shouldn't watch the movie. 4 minutes into it.
3) sewed. Leggings from women's socks & beanbags from some of Olivia's little clothes she had outgrown and we aren't going to pass on.

I hope they come back soon or I'll find myself organizing the garage.
4)blogged this.

And Mommy stayed home and...
1) ate. It was the first thing I thought of doing. Eating without having to share is quite lovely when it's my favorite (ham and cucumber sandwich).
2) put on a movie that I've wanted to watch for a while (and David doesn't want to watch it). Food, Inc.
Then I realize I just ate a ham sandwich and probably shouldn't watch the movie. 4 minutes into it.
3) sewed. Leggings from women's socks & beanbags from some of Olivia's little clothes she had outgrown and we aren't going to pass on.

I hope they come back soon or I'll find myself organizing the garage.
4)blogged this.
Shirring (Shirt Skirt)
I love this tutorial and I have spent a couple of hours by now at my sewing machine, try to figure out how shirring works. It just doesn't work out! I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I've looked at several tutorial and it sounds so simple. Jen, have you done this before? It would be perfect for our girls' summer outfits... and I want to do a skirt for myself.... but I'm so frustrated now.
Here's the link The Shirt Skirt

This is said to be a good tutorial: shir madness tutorial
And another tutorial I liked (with good pictures step-by-step): Pretty Ditty. This lady points out that the shirring effect only starts appearing a couple of rows down the road. This was helpful. No wonder I got frustrated after the first row. And she says to water spray the fabric after you finished - the wrinkle effect will turn out more and even. I'll try this next time.
The author also recommends this book (there must be a shirring tutorial in it too): Weekend Sewing - more than 40 projects for inspired stitching. Sounds like our style!
Here's the link The Shirt Skirt

This is said to be a good tutorial: shir madness tutorial
And another tutorial I liked (with good pictures step-by-step): Pretty Ditty. This lady points out that the shirring effect only starts appearing a couple of rows down the road. This was helpful. No wonder I got frustrated after the first row. And she says to water spray the fabric after you finished - the wrinkle effect will turn out more and even. I'll try this next time.
The author also recommends this book (there must be a shirring tutorial in it too): Weekend Sewing - more than 40 projects for inspired stitching. Sounds like our style!
Friday, January 7, 2011
Hey there, Olivia's Mom
1. What ever happened to doll making month in the US?
2. We need to keep our labels in check. Some already double or are really similar.
3. You never commented on the new blog wallpaper. "Like" or "Dislike"?
4. New Year's without you wasn't the same...
5. Any New Year's resolutions? Since mine worked out so well last year... ;))
6. Hi to everyone.
7. Haven't forgotten about the food post...
8. Miss you.
2. We need to keep our labels in check. Some already double or are really similar.
3. You never commented on the new blog wallpaper. "Like" or "Dislike"?
4. New Year's without you wasn't the same...
5. Any New Year's resolutions? Since mine worked out so well last year... ;))
6. Hi to everyone.
7. Haven't forgotten about the food post...
8. Miss you.
Winter Table Decoration
Since I took down the Christmas decoration, our table looked quite empty with only one "naked" candle. I wanted to do something about it, but didn't quite know yet what. I only wanted to keep the piece of wood and some candle (it's our tradition to light a candle for all meals). On our walk today our goal was to find a snail shell. The snow has gone now and it was extremely fun to stray around, look at all the things on the muddy ground, pick up some stuff, show each other, carry some along (Lenara was determined to carry home a big stone today. Every time she set it down, she made sure, to have it when leaving that place. Some time towards the end of our walk she must have realized that the effort of taking home a random stone - it wasn't even a pretty one - is too big. She left it on the street. I reminded her of the stone, just because I wasn't sure, if she did it on purpose or just forgot to take it along. The first time I asked her about the stone, she went back to get it. She did it another time. I asked her again and she replied "no, Mommy, leave stone" and she seemed very relieved. I thought that was quite interesting to follow her decision making.) Anyway, this was about my table decoration. We couldn't find any snail shells and I seriously started wondering, if there can be found any at all at this time of the year. I never paid attention to things like that. So we were close to giving up our search. But at one little yard - wow - suddenly hundreds of them! This might have been bc I had sent a wish to the universe (Law of Attraction) or just coincidence - but to us it seemed like a true miracle after we had spent so much time looking for only one. What a treasure we had found!
I didn't have any container to put them in, but I had an emergency diaper in my bag. So we put our 15+ snail shells in there to carry them home. Lenara thought that was weird. She kept starring at the diaper. Hehe.
So this is what our rest-of-winter-decoration ended up looking like: a new candle glass (with thready white transparent paper), some stones we had found at Lake Constance two summers ago (all with one white line) and some of our snail shells. I added a white line to them which matches the stones somewhat.

Please note our temperature thingy in the background. It's not an iPad (yet), but it's digital with radio communication! ;)
I didn't have any container to put them in, but I had an emergency diaper in my bag. So we put our 15+ snail shells in there to carry them home. Lenara thought that was weird. She kept starring at the diaper. Hehe.
So this is what our rest-of-winter-decoration ended up looking like: a new candle glass (with thready white transparent paper), some stones we had found at Lake Constance two summers ago (all with one white line) and some of our snail shells. I added a white line to them which matches the stones somewhat.
Please note our temperature thingy in the background. It's not an iPad (yet), but it's digital with radio communication! ;)
Our brand new game
Today while Lenara was drawing and I was making another set of candle glasses, we had a cool new "activity 18+" idea. Lenara must have gotten bored and she got her cars out (including a Landrover - of course!!!) and played with them instead of drawing. She asked me to draw as well. But I had no idea what to add to her expressive-lines-all-over-drawing. Often I feel like all figurative and objective drawing I can think of clearly doesn't match her style. And I don't want her to think my drawings are better in any way or a goal for her (I've had a friend who did painting classes for children and she told me about different concepts. Her concept of giving no instructions at all and not intervening in any way was a great success - not only in the process, as those kids loved the class, but also in the extra-ordinary results).
I started out with doing expressive-lines-all-over, but not feeling authentic doing it. Then for some reason I ended up having two pencils in one hand and I started drawing. Wow! That truely caught Lenara's attention. And as she had the cars on the table - I got an idea: I drew a road and a parking lot for the cars. We had to each take the route many many times. Then we continually added things - she also had her own ideas, i.e. trees, a pond, a gas station where we had to stop with the cars, a duck to the pond, luggage at the starting point which we had to load and unload. We could've continued for a while... but we got interrupted.
Anyway, I loved the process how this little game developed. And how much we both got into it. I think drawing and developing landscapes or houses or whatever we need for playing with our dolls/horses/cars/whatever, will become a new creative element in our everyday playing. Highly recommended!

I started out with doing expressive-lines-all-over, but not feeling authentic doing it. Then for some reason I ended up having two pencils in one hand and I started drawing. Wow! That truely caught Lenara's attention. And as she had the cars on the table - I got an idea: I drew a road and a parking lot for the cars. We had to each take the route many many times. Then we continually added things - she also had her own ideas, i.e. trees, a pond, a gas station where we had to stop with the cars, a duck to the pond, luggage at the starting point which we had to load and unload. We could've continued for a while... but we got interrupted.
Anyway, I loved the process how this little game developed. And how much we both got into it. I think drawing and developing landscapes or houses or whatever we need for playing with our dolls/horses/cars/whatever, will become a new creative element in our everyday playing. Highly recommended!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Christmas is over - now what?
I have to keep remembering myself these days that we have a blog. Before Christmas I checked it everyday and had so many things on my mind to post. Now that Christmas is over - I feel sort of empty and disoriented. Today I cleaned my apartment. It was gross. The floors covered in crums, handicraft leftovers and dead fir needles from our christmas decoration, dirty laundry piles somehow spread in every room, tons of molded leftovers in the fridge... ewwwww! So today, I didn't even care that I didn't have much time to play with Lenara and she turned all grumpy, but I needed to take care of this mess. Which is also proof that I really took it easy over Christmas and New Year. ;) Which in turn, makes me proud of myself. Sometimes I'm just worried that I'm getting too good at taking it easy... and then I read this one post-it I put on my wall:
"You don't live to leave a perfectly cleaned house."
God, how I love that quote. I found it in a women's magazine (which I haven't read any in months) - and immediately fell in love with it, so I cut it out.
What else is going on. One friend visited us today with her 7 week old baby. I loved it! She let me hold him and instantly I got hit by this "ooooh, I want one!" feeling. Maybe I felt so close to this little guy, as we sold our baby equipment to this family. So he was actually laying in our old babysafe, our old perambulator etc. It was a little bit like a flashback.
I know I had a couple of times during those almost 2 years back from now when I promised myself not ever to do this all over again. And yet, I have to admit, I just love children, being a mother just feels incredibly right and being allowed to be part of these little creatures' lives and trying to give them a good start into their very own futures... it's just too amazing. Every bit of exhaustion, desperation, anger, physical pain... it was all worth it in the end. And I know how I grew with every survived little or bigger crisis.
I know this sounds weird, but at times I think, maybe I was meant to do this on my own, as now I have to realize how strong I really am, what I have accomplished - together with Lenara indeed. If I had had P. to live with us, I would probably (like I used) have given him most of the credit for making things work out.
Now I'm at the point that I feel in balance. It's still exhausting at times. Sure. But I know it's a phase. I know how to take better care of my own energy level. And I'm much more self-confident. Plus it's getting more and more fun and rewarding as Lenara is able to communicate and share her feelings with me by now, and everyday there are things she learns and I'm so happy I can help her learn - next to being the happiest toddler in the world. Here's an example:
When she came back from a Daddy day last week, I was taking her shoes off - while Daddy and Grandma were waiting to say their good-byes. Usually she's still all excited and doesn't really notice me. This time she very unexpectedly threw herself into my arms, gave me the biggest hug and said "Mommy, love you". Sigh!
So I guess I'm enjoying day by day again - without having a certain goal (like Christmas) around the corner. I don't have many plans for 2011. Feeling disoriented is just eligible. It's like a white paper in front of me and I'm so very excited before starting to paint it.
"You don't live to leave a perfectly cleaned house."
God, how I love that quote. I found it in a women's magazine (which I haven't read any in months) - and immediately fell in love with it, so I cut it out.
What else is going on. One friend visited us today with her 7 week old baby. I loved it! She let me hold him and instantly I got hit by this "ooooh, I want one!" feeling. Maybe I felt so close to this little guy, as we sold our baby equipment to this family. So he was actually laying in our old babysafe, our old perambulator etc. It was a little bit like a flashback.
I know I had a couple of times during those almost 2 years back from now when I promised myself not ever to do this all over again. And yet, I have to admit, I just love children, being a mother just feels incredibly right and being allowed to be part of these little creatures' lives and trying to give them a good start into their very own futures... it's just too amazing. Every bit of exhaustion, desperation, anger, physical pain... it was all worth it in the end. And I know how I grew with every survived little or bigger crisis.
I know this sounds weird, but at times I think, maybe I was meant to do this on my own, as now I have to realize how strong I really am, what I have accomplished - together with Lenara indeed. If I had had P. to live with us, I would probably (like I used) have given him most of the credit for making things work out.
Now I'm at the point that I feel in balance. It's still exhausting at times. Sure. But I know it's a phase. I know how to take better care of my own energy level. And I'm much more self-confident. Plus it's getting more and more fun and rewarding as Lenara is able to communicate and share her feelings with me by now, and everyday there are things she learns and I'm so happy I can help her learn - next to being the happiest toddler in the world. Here's an example:
When she came back from a Daddy day last week, I was taking her shoes off - while Daddy and Grandma were waiting to say their good-byes. Usually she's still all excited and doesn't really notice me. This time she very unexpectedly threw herself into my arms, gave me the biggest hug and said "Mommy, love you". Sigh!
So I guess I'm enjoying day by day again - without having a certain goal (like Christmas) around the corner. I don't have many plans for 2011. Feeling disoriented is just eligible. It's like a white paper in front of me and I'm so very excited before starting to paint it.
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