Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kindergarten - Work - Schedule - Struggling

Wow, we tried to get up early today. Because eventually L will have to go from 7:45 am to 1:30 pm. So far we had extended our time from 8:45 to 1:30. Since we have only 3 more days before I start my new job, today we had to force ourselves to shoot for 7:45. I tried to wake up Lenara at 6:30. No reaction. I took her - half asleep - to the couch and used the inhaling machine on her (bad coughing going on). The medicine is supposed to make kids hyper, so I was hoping for her to wake up. We managed to be at the kindergarten trailer by 8. So almost on time! ;)

The problem is, our entire schedule is out of order right now. We get up earlier than before. We eat lunch 2 hours later than before (noon - 2pm). Sometimes we skip our quiet time after lunch - which we were so used to and I still think we need a break and relaxing/hypnosis time. Our afternoon activities still take the same amount of time (even though I'm trying to do less) - so we go to bed even later than before (8:30 instead of 7:30).

So here is my new plan (where there's a goal, there's a way!):

6:15 getting up (includes an extra 15 mins for inhaling)
7:25 leaving the house
7:50 leaving kindergarten
8:00 starting work
1:00 leaving work - starting cooking
1:25 leaving for kindergarten
1:50 back home - finishing lunch
2:00 lunch time
2:20 cleaning kitchen
2:30 break time
3:15 starting afternoon activity - running errands
5:30 be back home
6:00 picking up toys - preparing dinner
6:15 dinner time
6:35 cleaning kitchen
6:45 bathroom time - brushing teeth
7:00 story time
7:15 sleeping time
7:30 Mommy time!!!
10:00 bed time for Mommy

Wow! Why am I scared now??! But I guess we really need some new schedule to get organized...

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