OK, I'm in a bad mood today. You can tell. So I'll throw this out as well:
I'm sooooo sick of changing diapers!!!!
I've been changing at least 5 diapers with at least 2 big duties a day for the past 2 years! I'm so done with it.
Will this era ever end???
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Feelings of a Single Mom
I know this is not a new topic, yet today it hit me again. Maybe even more because I feel sick and I have a bad cold. Which is why I had to cancel a get together with a dear friend whom I don't see too often. Instead I asked Philipp to come over in the afternoon and take care of our girl. So I could have a break and take care of myself.
Lenara is getting all excited when Daddy is coming. When the doorbell rings she's running out in the hallway and I have to stop her from running down the stairs to meet him (she's not able to run downstairs yet that's the only reason...). It's so good to see the two of them happily reunited.
Yet, as soon as he enters our apartment, it seems like I am not existing anymore. He took her out for a walk today. We have a rule to say goodbye properly to each other. So after reminding her, she at least says a quick goodbye to me. When they got back after 2 hours we had dinner together. I could tell that Lenara loved to have him over for dinner. The two of them have their little jokes and giggles. Lenara is full of energy and all happy and excited.
Which I do understand and I really am happy for them. It also shows that my philosophy and my behaviour toward her Dad was worth all the hard times I used to have.
But, when I see them together like that and Lenara doesn't notice me anymore, I start wondering, if we ever have this much fun together. Then it seems like our days are filled with "wait a minute", "let me do this first", "hold on", "one second", "sure we can go to the playground, but we need to stop by the mail office first"... One thing is, I miss times when my head is truely free to only enjoy the playing moment. I know we have those moments too, but it always feels like I have to make room for them. The other thing is, I'm jealous, bc whenever Daddy sees his girl, he doesn't have any obligations (no cooking meals, no cleaning dishes, no doing laundry, no taken the garbage out, no grocery shopping, no paper work, no worrying about if she eats vegetables or not, no worrying about fighting over rules, no official appointments, no working with a sick baby in his arms etc.). He can simply do everything she wants him to do all day long.
Daddy Superstar.
I don't blame him. If I was in his position I would do just the same and enjoy the rare time with my girl.
Yet, I wonder, if I'll ever be Mommy Superstar. I know it's not even about Lenara's perspective. Mommys just are Superstars to the kids (at least I hope so). I just wish I could feel it more often and not let the distant "wait a sec" moments and all the things I'm not getting accomplished like I had imagined in the way.
Which is especially hard with such a dull stuffy head. Argh.
Lenara is getting all excited when Daddy is coming. When the doorbell rings she's running out in the hallway and I have to stop her from running down the stairs to meet him (she's not able to run downstairs yet that's the only reason...). It's so good to see the two of them happily reunited.
Yet, as soon as he enters our apartment, it seems like I am not existing anymore. He took her out for a walk today. We have a rule to say goodbye properly to each other. So after reminding her, she at least says a quick goodbye to me. When they got back after 2 hours we had dinner together. I could tell that Lenara loved to have him over for dinner. The two of them have their little jokes and giggles. Lenara is full of energy and all happy and excited.
Which I do understand and I really am happy for them. It also shows that my philosophy and my behaviour toward her Dad was worth all the hard times I used to have.
But, when I see them together like that and Lenara doesn't notice me anymore, I start wondering, if we ever have this much fun together. Then it seems like our days are filled with "wait a minute", "let me do this first", "hold on", "one second", "sure we can go to the playground, but we need to stop by the mail office first"... One thing is, I miss times when my head is truely free to only enjoy the playing moment. I know we have those moments too, but it always feels like I have to make room for them. The other thing is, I'm jealous, bc whenever Daddy sees his girl, he doesn't have any obligations (no cooking meals, no cleaning dishes, no doing laundry, no taken the garbage out, no grocery shopping, no paper work, no worrying about if she eats vegetables or not, no worrying about fighting over rules, no official appointments, no working with a sick baby in his arms etc.). He can simply do everything she wants him to do all day long.
Daddy Superstar.
I don't blame him. If I was in his position I would do just the same and enjoy the rare time with my girl.
Yet, I wonder, if I'll ever be Mommy Superstar. I know it's not even about Lenara's perspective. Mommys just are Superstars to the kids (at least I hope so). I just wish I could feel it more often and not let the distant "wait a sec" moments and all the things I'm not getting accomplished like I had imagined in the way.
Which is especially hard with such a dull stuffy head. Argh.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Mooncup: The full review
Dear ladies, I have blogged about the Mooncup® (known in the USA as MCUK®) earlier this month. As I have promised I will give you a detailled review now.

When I received the mooncup in the mail, I was surprised of the well designed packaging. It's a very classy design and I like the choice of paper. It totally reflects the spirit of an ecological product and company and keeps in mind the target group: women who are seeking for some extra relief in yuckie times. So thank God, no vagina graphics or medical looks. The mooncup comes with a well designed (ok, most people will skip the design part, but I just am a designer, so I notice such things!) manual in tons of languages. But the "how to" part is really kept short and very encouraging. You want to try it right away because it sounds so easy.
Which was the bad part: I had to wait over a week for my period. I haven't been keeping track of my period in a while. So my guess was just wrong and my worrying for the mooncup to arrive too late for nothing. So I had it sitting in my bathroom - anxiously waiting to be used. (It also caught Lenara's attention and she kept asking me about it and I had to take it out of her mouth at least one time. How do you explain a 2-year-old what these things are good for... ?!)
So finally my period came and YESSSSS I got to use my very own mooncup for the very first time (aren't you excited!?).
Easier than I had expected. You have to fold the flexible cup twice and put it in basically like a tampon. It folds up right in place. You're supposed to cut the pull-back part to a good length adjusted to your body. It's not supposed to stick out, so you can feel or it hurts. I cut twice, just to be sure. To take it out, you just pull very slowly so some air gets in to break up the vacuum. Very similar to a tampon I would say. '

I didn't feel this thing at all!!! Meaning AT ALL! Even now that I write this, I had to think a sec, if I'm still wearing it. A tampon always moves a tiny bit up or down in some moments - i.e. when going to the toilet with a tampon I always had to make sure it's not being sqeezed down. Not with the mooncup though. Unless you pull the little string, it stays right in place.
I went hiking the first day, and when I had to pee in the woods, I first realized what a mess this would have meant with a tampon. After 2 hours I would have had to exchange the tampon. But there wasn't any place to dispose it. I would have wrapped it in a tissue and put it back in my backpack. Great! (I hate when I have to take home stinky diapers. Not talking of yuckie tampons.) But with the mooncup I didn't have to pay attention to my period. It can stay in up to 8 hours (depending on how heavy the period is). And if I had to empty it, I could have simple taken my bottle of water into the woods to rinse it a little and put it back in.
I also hate, when people don't have a garbage in their bathrooms (mainly male singles!). You have to wrap the bloody tampon in some toilet paper, try to hide it in your hand (or your pocket) and try to get to some close garbage without attracting any attention. (Not talking about the ones I found a couples of days later in my bag...). So that's a plus for private bathrooms: you only need a sink - no garbage.
But, that's the point. In a public bathroom, what do I do? Lock myself in, take the mooncup out, pull my pants up again, go outside again to rinse it in the sink - with everybody watching... ? I suppose you have to take some water with you then. Which makes it more complicated compared to tampons. Unless you don't rinse it, just empty it and put it back in... which would work as an exception. I personally would prefer to rinse it every time though.
I thought it to be very fascinating to actually see the exact amount of blood I'm losing - for the very first time!! During those past 18 years I have never had a clue how much it is - I simply felt like a slaughtered pig at times. What a revelation! I like to know and explore my body. Being faced with plain blood in a sink, might be a problem for some though. Which could be a minus. But I personally really don't mind. I don't think a bloody tampon is any less nasty. And I just thought about it, there's no odor with the mooncup, whereas a tampon starts smelling, if you leave it in for too long.
I personally am VERY fascinated by this product and I'm going to stick with the mooncup. Definitely! It feels much more comfortable, natural and compatible with my body (no matter, if I'm going to safe money by using it and/or safe the rainforests - which is not a bad thing either! great!). Especially the fear of leaking is extremely diminished since a mooncup works like a "plug" and not like a "sponge".
I love it!
Go get yourself a mooncup, Ladies! ;)

When I received the mooncup in the mail, I was surprised of the well designed packaging. It's a very classy design and I like the choice of paper. It totally reflects the spirit of an ecological product and company and keeps in mind the target group: women who are seeking for some extra relief in yuckie times. So thank God, no vagina graphics or medical looks. The mooncup comes with a well designed (ok, most people will skip the design part, but I just am a designer, so I notice such things!) manual in tons of languages. But the "how to" part is really kept short and very encouraging. You want to try it right away because it sounds so easy.
Which was the bad part: I had to wait over a week for my period. I haven't been keeping track of my period in a while. So my guess was just wrong and my worrying for the mooncup to arrive too late for nothing. So I had it sitting in my bathroom - anxiously waiting to be used. (It also caught Lenara's attention and she kept asking me about it and I had to take it out of her mouth at least one time. How do you explain a 2-year-old what these things are good for... ?!)
So finally my period came and YESSSSS I got to use my very own mooncup for the very first time (aren't you excited!?).
Easier than I had expected. You have to fold the flexible cup twice and put it in basically like a tampon. It folds up right in place. You're supposed to cut the pull-back part to a good length adjusted to your body. It's not supposed to stick out, so you can feel or it hurts. I cut twice, just to be sure. To take it out, you just pull very slowly so some air gets in to break up the vacuum. Very similar to a tampon I would say. '

I didn't feel this thing at all!!! Meaning AT ALL! Even now that I write this, I had to think a sec, if I'm still wearing it. A tampon always moves a tiny bit up or down in some moments - i.e. when going to the toilet with a tampon I always had to make sure it's not being sqeezed down. Not with the mooncup though. Unless you pull the little string, it stays right in place.
I went hiking the first day, and when I had to pee in the woods, I first realized what a mess this would have meant with a tampon. After 2 hours I would have had to exchange the tampon. But there wasn't any place to dispose it. I would have wrapped it in a tissue and put it back in my backpack. Great! (I hate when I have to take home stinky diapers. Not talking of yuckie tampons.) But with the mooncup I didn't have to pay attention to my period. It can stay in up to 8 hours (depending on how heavy the period is). And if I had to empty it, I could have simple taken my bottle of water into the woods to rinse it a little and put it back in.
I also hate, when people don't have a garbage in their bathrooms (mainly male singles!). You have to wrap the bloody tampon in some toilet paper, try to hide it in your hand (or your pocket) and try to get to some close garbage without attracting any attention. (Not talking about the ones I found a couples of days later in my bag...). So that's a plus for private bathrooms: you only need a sink - no garbage.
But, that's the point. In a public bathroom, what do I do? Lock myself in, take the mooncup out, pull my pants up again, go outside again to rinse it in the sink - with everybody watching... ? I suppose you have to take some water with you then. Which makes it more complicated compared to tampons. Unless you don't rinse it, just empty it and put it back in... which would work as an exception. I personally would prefer to rinse it every time though.
I thought it to be very fascinating to actually see the exact amount of blood I'm losing - for the very first time!! During those past 18 years I have never had a clue how much it is - I simply felt like a slaughtered pig at times. What a revelation! I like to know and explore my body. Being faced with plain blood in a sink, might be a problem for some though. Which could be a minus. But I personally really don't mind. I don't think a bloody tampon is any less nasty. And I just thought about it, there's no odor with the mooncup, whereas a tampon starts smelling, if you leave it in for too long.
I personally am VERY fascinated by this product and I'm going to stick with the mooncup. Definitely! It feels much more comfortable, natural and compatible with my body (no matter, if I'm going to safe money by using it and/or safe the rainforests - which is not a bad thing either! great!). Especially the fear of leaking is extremely diminished since a mooncup works like a "plug" and not like a "sponge".
I love it!
Go get yourself a mooncup, Ladies! ;)
Monday, April 25, 2011
Killer Lady
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter Morning
Today, Olivia turns 20 months old.
This morning, I'd go back to bed, but where?

Art. Olivia loves making art. My only handmade contributions this year are the polka dot leggings and the ribbon wand. I'm so excited for her to see it. The pink eggs have stickers inside and the yellow each have 2 fruit snacks inside.

Olivia giggled at herself last night when she cleverly put her cup up on the shelf. I'm always picking stuff up so we don't kick it. I'm pretty sure she thought it was funny that she beat me to it.

We only dyed 6 eggs. David and I got upset at each other (for no good reason) during it so it was silent egg dye-ing. Ugh.

But, I made a pillow this past week. It's been in project purgatory forever.

This morning, I'd go back to bed, but where?

Art. Olivia loves making art. My only handmade contributions this year are the polka dot leggings and the ribbon wand. I'm so excited for her to see it. The pink eggs have stickers inside and the yellow each have 2 fruit snacks inside.

Olivia giggled at herself last night when she cleverly put her cup up on the shelf. I'm always picking stuff up so we don't kick it. I'm pretty sure she thought it was funny that she beat me to it.

We only dyed 6 eggs. David and I got upset at each other (for no good reason) during it so it was silent egg dye-ing. Ugh.

But, I made a pillow this past week. It's been in project purgatory forever.

Friday, April 22, 2011
Thrift store finds
Thrift store finds
We haven't been in a while (months?) but I made up for it today. Total: $12!

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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Location:Baltimore Ghetto Thrift Store
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Funniest thing
I tried to remember one spring song, I really liked from my childhood. So even though we were ready to go to bed already, I got up again and took out our new song book from our new playgroup. It took me a while to find it, but I knew I had seen it in there before. Then I started singing - all excited to show her my new song.
You should have seen my face drop when she started singing along and doing gestures. MATCHING GESTURES! And clapping at the same moment I started clapping.
She told me Daddy sings that song. I can't imagine he does. I assume the day nanny sings it to the kids. Wow! My big girl has her own life. She's learning and picking up from other people that love her and she's showing me so proud what she has learnt.
Such a special moment.
You should have seen my face drop when she started singing along and doing gestures. MATCHING GESTURES! And clapping at the same moment I started clapping.
She told me Daddy sings that song. I can't imagine he does. I assume the day nanny sings it to the kids. Wow! My big girl has her own life. She's learning and picking up from other people that love her and she's showing me so proud what she has learnt.
Such a special moment.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
A nice little list from a Waldorf article...
Decide how you want your home to feel.
Get on the same page as your partner.
Rise before your family.
Own motherhood.
Be firm and loving.
Be consistent.
Decide where your moral compass is - remember that Steiner believed religion and spiritual life was a HUGE part of raising children.
Hold authority.
Pray and meditate about your family each day.
Continual evaluation and meditation about situations, behaviors and how you can keep with #1.
Get on the same page as your partner.
Rise before your family.
Own motherhood.
Be firm and loving.
Be consistent.
Decide where your moral compass is - remember that Steiner believed religion and spiritual life was a HUGE part of raising children.
Hold authority.
Pray and meditate about your family each day.
Continual evaluation and meditation about situations, behaviors and how you can keep with #1.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Spring Fairy

We made these at parents' night at the day nanny's. Very cute idea. Very Waldorf style. Except for mine turned out quite Hippie-Style as well. I loved working with wool. So I browsed ebay for some 10 Euro starter kit - which I received today. If only I had more time for creative work these days. I will have to make more room for that.
I will be a grandma!!!
Big News!!!! Lenara is pregnant! She has told me twice within the past week that she has a baby in her belly. Me: Are you sure? She: Yes, yes, real baby! Alllllright. I didn't know kids grow up THIS fast these days.
(I'm pretty sure, my 8-months-pregnant friend whom we met last week left some major impression on her).
(I'm pretty sure, my 8-months-pregnant friend whom we met last week left some major impression on her).
Monday, April 18, 2011
Happy Birthday!
Out of nowhere Lenara started singing Happy Birthday (in English!) today after her nap. It took me a while to realize what it was she was singing. But once I got the point, it sounded so clear and cute!
See, I knew she realized it was her birthday. People kept asking me about whether she realized it was her birthday at all. Are you kidding?!!!
See, I knew she realized it was her birthday. People kept asking me about whether she realized it was her birthday at all. Are you kidding?!!!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Starving fish
I think our fish tank will be dead soon. We have not been around enough to feed them lately. :(
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Since her birthday Lenara is using sentences with "I" and more and more complete sentences are coming out. I'm so amazed by this. One of those developments which happen so suddenly and very noticable. It's not "Lala Puppe" (Lenara's doll) anymore, but "Meine Puppe" (my doll). On her birthday she said "Ich brauche mehr Sahne, bitte" (I need more whipped cream, please) and everyone else stopped talking and just starred at her.
Just some examples. It's such a miracle.
I also notice that she's getting a sense of time. She uses words like today, tomorrow or yesterday, or "not today, but tomorrow". I'm not sure, if I have shared this on the blog, but she also missed her Dad very much, when he was on vacation for 4 weeks. She asked about him all the time. First thing after she woke up (every morning!): "Papa kommt heute." (Daddy is coming today). At dinner "Papa auch essen jetzt?" (Daddy also eating now?) It was really hard for me to respond - both being annoyed after some point and sad at the same time bc now she's starting to feel the facts of having separated parents. I kept explaining and explaining, telling her that Daddy misses her too, but he went on vacation with an airplane and he will come back to see her after a while.
Then I had an idea: I drew a picture of a caterpillar, with different circles as the body. One circle for each day we had to wait - 21 days from that day. Every morning we colored one of the circles and counted the days until her Dad would come and pick her up again. Of course, she didn't get the whole meaning, but I had a feeling it helped her and she stopped asking several times a day. We paid attention to the issue and her feelings every day, which was important. And I'm hoping, if we keep using this "Daddy calendar", she'll eventually get a better sense of time.
It was also one of the very noticable changes lately. So far she has been happy, when Daddy showed up. But she never really asked about him, when he wasn't around.
I have more to write and to share, but I'm too tired now... will have to wait. P.S. The mooncup has arrived, but my period not yet... to be continued. ;)
Just some examples. It's such a miracle.
I also notice that she's getting a sense of time. She uses words like today, tomorrow or yesterday, or "not today, but tomorrow". I'm not sure, if I have shared this on the blog, but she also missed her Dad very much, when he was on vacation for 4 weeks. She asked about him all the time. First thing after she woke up (every morning!): "Papa kommt heute." (Daddy is coming today). At dinner "Papa auch essen jetzt?" (Daddy also eating now?) It was really hard for me to respond - both being annoyed after some point and sad at the same time bc now she's starting to feel the facts of having separated parents. I kept explaining and explaining, telling her that Daddy misses her too, but he went on vacation with an airplane and he will come back to see her after a while.
Then I had an idea: I drew a picture of a caterpillar, with different circles as the body. One circle for each day we had to wait - 21 days from that day. Every morning we colored one of the circles and counted the days until her Dad would come and pick her up again. Of course, she didn't get the whole meaning, but I had a feeling it helped her and she stopped asking several times a day. We paid attention to the issue and her feelings every day, which was important. And I'm hoping, if we keep using this "Daddy calendar", she'll eventually get a better sense of time.
It was also one of the very noticable changes lately. So far she has been happy, when Daddy showed up. But she never really asked about him, when he wasn't around.
I have more to write and to share, but I'm too tired now... will have to wait. P.S. The mooncup has arrived, but my period not yet... to be continued. ;)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Partying Mom
It's 4 in the morning and I just got home! Wow! I haven't gone out in forever and today I felt like being 18 again. Bar hopping in my old home town. I went into more bars and clubs than all past year. And even in one club that I would have never gone into, bc it was said to be the macho club with lots bling bling and hook-ups going on. Well, I guess I really was the only one in there with flipflops and baggy pants under a skirt. I felt old too. BUT: some of those guys were checking me out.... so yeah! I still work it! Relieving to know.
But still it seems hard to spot any guys that really raise my heartbeat - single guys. I was really attracted to one guy and even brought up the courage to make eye-contact (go me!). Only to find out half an hour later, that the girl next to him was his girlfriend. Maaaan!!! Can't they wear signs: "Taken" or something. Can't he just grap HER ass ALL the time, so I don't waste MY precious time. I only have one night a month - I don't have no time to waste!
Older guys wear rings and/or have their wives with them. Newly divorced older guys don't go out, bc they don't have anyone to go out with them as their best friends are home with their wives and families (just like me). Guys my age are home with their new wives and toddlers. It seemed like hitting on younger guys, would raise my chances of scoring a single. But nooooooooo. So frustrating. Well, I'm only starting to get back into this business. Day one was a success: I made it till 4 in the morning. And I managed to suck in my belly all night. It's a start. I'll go from there.
But still it seems hard to spot any guys that really raise my heartbeat - single guys. I was really attracted to one guy and even brought up the courage to make eye-contact (go me!). Only to find out half an hour later, that the girl next to him was his girlfriend. Maaaan!!! Can't they wear signs: "Taken" or something. Can't he just grap HER ass ALL the time, so I don't waste MY precious time. I only have one night a month - I don't have no time to waste!
Older guys wear rings and/or have their wives with them. Newly divorced older guys don't go out, bc they don't have anyone to go out with them as their best friends are home with their wives and families (just like me). Guys my age are home with their new wives and toddlers. It seemed like hitting on younger guys, would raise my chances of scoring a single. But nooooooooo. So frustrating. Well, I'm only starting to get back into this business. Day one was a success: I made it till 4 in the morning. And I managed to suck in my belly all night. It's a start. I'll go from there.
The future's so bright we need sunglasses!
We're still on California time. Last night we went to bed at 3 am!
Olivia played with toys she had missed while on vacation. She dumped out a basket so she could stand inside of it and she discovered her little sunglasses. Then, she ran to get my sunglasses from the diaper bag. Fun little girl. Of course we had sit on the floor (also her idea) to "cheese" (take a picture).
I guess this is her serious pose!

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Olivia played with toys she had missed while on vacation. She dumped out a basket so she could stand inside of it and she discovered her little sunglasses. Then, she ran to get my sunglasses from the diaper bag. Fun little girl. Of course we had sit on the floor (also her idea) to "cheese" (take a picture).
I guess this is her serious pose!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
I came across this "Mooncup" while surfing the web. It's an interesting idea.

I have my period coming up next week (now you know it!), let's see if the order will be here on time. I'm so curious, if it works. It was a big investment on my side. But I'm working again, so I can afford things like that every once in a while (ok, next time it will be nailpolish or good coffee again). It's supposed to be usable for 10 years!! So 30 Euros doesn't seem like such a big investment in the long run. I'll keep you updated on the return-of-investment.
Side note: There are two sizes. One is smaller for ladies under 30 or who haven't given birth yet, and the larger one for ladies over 30 or those who have given birth already. It made me feel old since I had to order the large one - not only for having given birth. But yes, I better get used to the thought of being 30 soon...
I'm not sure, if I would have liked this idea a couple of years ago. But to me it feels like now that I've given birth AND I'm turning 30 (yes), so many things have been stuck in my vagina so far, why not a cup?! Especially if it turns out useful. (next to pressing a child through it - which has been the most useful purpose so far... oh wait, maybe not......).
The Mooncup® is the original silicone menstrual cup designed by women to be a convenient, safe and eco-friendly alternative to tampons and sanitary pads. Loved by women all around the world, and made in the UK by a multi-award winning ethical business, the Mooncup offers an end to the waste, discomfort and expense of disposable sanitary protection.

I have my period coming up next week (now you know it!), let's see if the order will be here on time. I'm so curious, if it works. It was a big investment on my side. But I'm working again, so I can afford things like that every once in a while (ok, next time it will be nailpolish or good coffee again). It's supposed to be usable for 10 years!! So 30 Euros doesn't seem like such a big investment in the long run. I'll keep you updated on the return-of-investment.
Side note: There are two sizes. One is smaller for ladies under 30 or who haven't given birth yet, and the larger one for ladies over 30 or those who have given birth already. It made me feel old since I had to order the large one - not only for having given birth. But yes, I better get used to the thought of being 30 soon...
I'm not sure, if I would have liked this idea a couple of years ago. But to me it feels like now that I've given birth AND I'm turning 30 (yes), so many things have been stuck in my vagina so far, why not a cup?! Especially if it turns out useful. (next to pressing a child through it - which has been the most useful purpose so far... oh wait, maybe not......).
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Experiment: Pickles
Ok, try this: feed your 2-year-old about 6-7 pickles for dinner. Add some iron supplements throughout the next day (which we have to do right now). And watch'n learn what one of the next diapers is going to teach you. ;)))
Friday, April 1, 2011
Summer Style @ etsy
I love her style: aftershowershop"> @ etsy. My inspiration for summer shopping (if it happens at all).

Breakfast in a box - not to go
Special Moment: Honk, Mommy!
We went to the discount this morning. While Lenara was sitting in the shopping cart and I was trying to get together what we needed, Lenara had an idea.
She unexpectedly squeezed my boob and shouted out loud "Honk, Mommy, honk, hoooooonk!". I didn't know what to do. She had never done that before. We usually make sounds with our noses or bellies only. So I thought it was pretty funny, yet I felt emberassed, because everyone else was looking. And they didn't look like they thought it was funny.
She did it a couple more times. I told her to stop it. But she must have noticed that I was so surprised the first time, and I couldn't help but laugh myself.
But what really emberasses me now: My little town probably thinks I enjoy getting honked (or being honked or whatever you'd call it).
Gotta love the spontaneity of children.
She unexpectedly squeezed my boob and shouted out loud "Honk, Mommy, honk, hoooooonk!". I didn't know what to do. She had never done that before. We usually make sounds with our noses or bellies only. So I thought it was pretty funny, yet I felt emberassed, because everyone else was looking. And they didn't look like they thought it was funny.
She did it a couple more times. I told her to stop it. But she must have noticed that I was so surprised the first time, and I couldn't help but laugh myself.
But what really emberasses me now: My little town probably thinks I enjoy getting honked (or being honked or whatever you'd call it).
Gotta love the spontaneity of children.
Special Moment: Hungry
A couple of nights ago, Lenara and I were having dinner together. Nothing big. Just sandwiches. She started playing around with her food - which usually is a sign that she's all done. I asked her: "Are you still hungry?". She turned her face towards me, put on a major serious look and said in a very deep sorrowful voice: "Always, Mommy."
I had never heard her use the word "always". What a perfect moment to start using it. Very funny. ;)
I had never heard her use the word "always". What a perfect moment to start using it. Very funny. ;)
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