I get to hear a lot of DONT's from my 2-year-old lately.
Don't chew on that pencil, Mommy.
Don't get up from the table before I'm finished, Mommy.
Don't walk in the living room with your shoes on, Mommy.
At times it's getting quite annoying. But it does show that she actually understood the rules that we have. So yeah! And I have to admit, she is right sometimes. It's funny how it makes you realize how important Mommies are as rolemodels.
Yet today, I got to hear a new one. Soooo funny. We were sitting at the lunch table. Eating, talking. Like usually. Nothing special. I must have been drifting away in my thoughts and suddenly she got very angry:
Don't look at my pacifier, Mommy!!!
Ewwww, what???? My face must have been turned toward the pacifier lying on the table, while I was dreaming. And it made her really really angry. I thought it was too funny. So later on I kept teasing her: Lala, I'm looking at your pacifier!!! Look! Look! I'm looking... And it became a really good joke. We cracked down laughing. I think it's one of our first running gags.