One of the benefits of living on the west coast is that we get to see my family more. Perhaps they're over excited but they came for 3 weeks of the first month of our stay. One moment I'd like to remember is when we went on a horse drawn carriage ride and mom initiated singing Christmas songs. She cried afterward and said she had wanted to sing on a carriage ride for a long time.
We chose to go to FairHaven even though it was a stretch with nap approaching--which we really never compromise naps. Olivia was so excited about the horses. I had a moment where I thought that we must seek the experiences that make our hearts glow. My mom was glowing after the singing and ride--like her spirit and body reconnected again. Seeking more moments like those & being grateful for those experienced lately.
Watching my daughter interact and play with my parents is one of those sacred moments for me.
It's a new delight that we're all reveling in.

Loved this...I'm waving to Olivia and she says in a bossy way " Come get in, Mommy!"

Waking up and seeing these two looking outside:
