I remember reading in some parenting books along the way that routine and schedules are important for children.
It gives them a sense of knowing what is going to happen next, and gives a feeling of control which possibly frees their minds to think about other things at hand.
Well, these past few weeks I would agree that not only does it work well for Olivia, but it really is beneficial to me too. Especially because I have had some craziness in my life lately, I know that it affects my mood and the whole family. David has been gone for 2 weeks and will be gone for another week. We have got into quite a routine.
It goes like this:
Olivia wakes up after Boone starts to whine indicating that he needs out to go to the bathroom.
Olivia then shouts "Pee, Poo", "Boots, shoes, Out"...continually.
I talk to her and Boone and try to wake up slowly. Olivia slides off the bed, partially and grabs a book.
Usually it is Goodnight Moon or Runaway Bunny.
I always cry reading Runaway Bunny. Never fails.
I try to sleep a little while Olivia reads every page, intently and points at pictures in the book. I just love how she props herself up on a pillow and then nudges me to grab more books.
Boone keeps whining, so we all get up.
We get semi-dressed and head to the field across the street with Boone on a leash and Olivia holding some sort of toy in her stroller.
It's a good time. I sit down while they play. I take a while to wake up.
I have no idea how we have created a morning person.
We eat when we come back. Waffles, nuts, toast, raisins. I really wish Olivia would eat eggs and drink smoothies. I'm working on it.
Playing inside for the next hour. Usually pushing a mini stroller around while I clean. Which, this reminds me, I think we need to rotate toys again because she is getting bored with the toys I have out for her right now.
Park. Mainly for the swing. Seriously, Olivia just wants to sit in the swing for about 20 minutes. Then, she's good and happy.
Snack. Grated cheese, Fruit (usually melon), juice (diluted), and we always have carrots.
Nap. Usually by this time, she has become quite a grump and almost insists on going to bed. Just in time, because I am usually tired at this point also.
She naps for 3 hours.
Field (again) with the dog.
Dinner (usually pasta or rice based) and some veggies. And, the veggie is usually sugar snap peas or avocado.
Stroller ride (and she eats Cheerios and drinks water) while we walk to go see this little dog about 1/2 mile away that has a pink collar.
Bath or Pool
Bed (with Books)
Then, I read or go on the computer. I love not being of Fb.
Which reminds me, I have some emails of yours to respond to!
So, I will post some photos via my phone. It's been so long since I've posted.