Besides going to see the sun in California last week, we're not full of fun updates.
We made David's conference an excuse to have a much needed family trip. I'm so grateful we got to go. My mom came and visited and theres nothing in the world to me like seeing my parents with my offspring. Instantly, Olivia put her arm around my mom's shoulder and off they went to explore. Best friends reacquainted.

The last day there was David's birthday. We went out to dinner and we made a list of ambitious goals. Good things--I'll post our results another time. Here's Olivia singing the Happy Birthday Song to David and reminding him how old he is. (wouldn't load)
By the end though, we were ready to come home.
We got home and I think the rhubarb had grown a meter.
I harvested it and made some rhubarb & berry compote.

Today, Mothers Day, we went to church and the beach. As I peeled an orange...and each little white skin part from each orange section, I had a moment where I thought "I'm a mom to her" and then I told her to eat that white part of the orange and she tried it again because she trusts me and she did not like I continued to peel it again. Maybe by next year, I thought.

Today (Mothers Day in America) David was drained from stress and the sun earlier in the day so he napped for a little bit while Olivia and I went to the park. I liked wishing other Mothers a Happy Mothers Day.
Olivia pushed me in the swing (tried to) and we played as usual and chatted. She went down the slide backwards and when riding her bike she said "Look Mom, no hands".

Friday we tried a Waldorf Cooperative School.its the only one even relatively close to us. I loved it and Olivia did also. I loved all of the fingerplays and the art and the snacktime with tea, the simplicity! We're going again this Friday. After, we go look at baby chicks. We might come home with a few this week.
I want to be pregnant again so badly.
This week we stuck close to home in hopes to reset after a busy week and a half of go-go-go. We dug up a flower bulb to plant broccoli...

And some Storytime on the chair before the night none of us slept but an hour or two. Sinus stuff.

That's about it. ; )
Location:24th St,Anacortes,United States