Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting into Sewing

3 skirts/dresses within a 10 days!!! I have no idea where I took the time from. Because usually I complain how I don't have any. And I really don't. But these 3 little projects (each about 3-6 hrs, which is not such a little amount of time as a mommy! Of course experienced sewing experts would need like half an hour...) gave me the kind of FLOW-moments, I absolutely love. When you forget time, turn off the brain, completely live the project - and get it done within a reasonable amount of time. Which is very important to me as I'm very unpatient and I can't put these things down and finish them another time. It has to be now! I'm so excited, I want to see the result right away - and not wait a couple more days. So these projects usually end in a 2 am session. Adding the extra-hour I can't fall asleep because I'm still so excited and proud about the things I just made (I can so understand, why I had to end with a burn out one day. I was thinking maybe I can take future creative projects to practice putting work down and taking steps). In the mornings, of course, I hate myself, because I feel awful and Lenara literally has to turn on bright lights, pull my hand and take away my blankets to make me get up (I once heard someone say: "Everyone gets the child that perfectly fits to the family" - I think of this quote often. And Lenara's skills of getting me out of bed just proove it once again!).

Anyway, I am even more excited about these little pieces, as I had a master-plan (a pattern) to make them. Usually I start making things without thinking. Then I realize something doesn't work. So I spend more time fixing one problem after another -- the project ending with me being frustrated and the piece in the garbage.

I really want to learn how to make sewing projects more "professional" - or lets call it "a little more accurate" and "wearable", so when you look closer you don't see all those cricked lines and shapes. And how to alter little parts, so the clothes really (!) fit and not just "about fit". And once I get better with Lenara's clothes I will try something for myself.... (way way in the future).

I just wish, new fabric would be less expensive. If you buy a pattern, fabric, matching yarn... plus the hours you work on it - it's not like you safe a penny, but even spend more! I was hoping to safe some money by learning how to sew children's clothes. But I figured there MUST be free patterns online and for Lenara I can start recycling old clothes (just like Olive's Mommy for her costume). So I browsed my closet for old clothes - and found the perfect match: a pair of old jeans from my ex-husband, which I hate stumbling over every once in a while and don't know what to do with them. So I got rid off the bad memories and Lenara got two cute little outfits from her beloved Daddy's old jeans. ;)

And for the patterns - for the little jeans dress, I looked up an easy model online (I love this site: farbenmix) and did pretty well in guessing what the patterns must have looked like (hey, being a designer pays off for the first time!). And this is another site I found with links to free cuts kostenlose-schnittmuster. So, please Olivia's Mommy and all the plenty other readers: Post free patterns, if you know any good ones to recommend online!

But please, not before next week... I need to get some sleep again!


  1. just found this site and love it:

  2. These don't even look like you made them, no more posting pics of things you bought...hehe! I love that site!

  3. you're cute! Oh, and pls don't hesitate to correct my English, if you find real stupid translations. I looked up the word for "pattern" and picked the wrong one from the dictionary. In German "cut" and "pattern" is the same word. ;)
