
Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer dress copy

 Two nights ago I was in the sewing mood. I haven't had time for this passion in a while. And since I hadn't tried out my new sewing machine yet... I had a piece of fabric laying around for over a year. Hadn't touched it yet, bc I was intimitated by a brand new fabric. Usually I only use fabric from 2nd hand clothes. I didn't want to ruin the new fabric. Anyway... I had bought a summer dress from a chinese store for about 10 bucks years ago. It's slowly wearing out, but it's my absolutely favorite dress. So I decided to copy it. I'm soooooo proud of the result! The first item I made for myself, I'll be actually wearing. So far everything I made for myselef ended up as nightgown or in the very back of my drawers. Things for L are much more simple. Anyway... I finished it until 1:30 in the morning and was so psyched! Next morning Lenara had to take pictures to post... (I love her pics!). What a special moment.


  1. hmmm, some of the seams are already breaking up on the one I made... darn. It's just a seam. I don't get how it takes practice?! But obviously it does...

  2. I have the same problem sometimes. Hmmm.
    Maybe that's where the phrase comes from. "coming apart at the seams"--
